Daniel x Cultist! reader ANGST

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Your POV

My eyes scanned across the room as plastic cups of kool-aid were past around to everyone. I knew that today was when we ascend, to meet my lord Xemüg and devout my life fully to being his loyal servant.

A hooded woman passed me a cup as she moved onto the next person, Daniel. Since I first walked into this life, Daniel has always helped me. He is the one who offered me a helping hand, a shoulder to cry on, and a chance to see the light.

Daniel held the cup in his hand and looked down at me with his signature grin
"This is exciting! You and I, leaving this world behind to reach our full potential, to be loyal servants of our Ultralord" he cheerfully expressed his excitement.

I smiled in agreement
"I know.." I looked forward, a pit of worry in my gut. But why? I should be happy about this! It stung like a pit of separation, like moving across the world and leaving a loved one behind. It hurt so bad..

But who was I losing? This is the only life I know. I don't have a family, I don't have friends.. or was I afraid of losing Daniel? I have tried to banish these feelings I held towards him, but nothing was lost.

I prayed to Xemüg night and day to be rid of these feelings, whether he wants to torture me or not I will never know. Maybe this was my punishment.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I notice Daniel walking up to a platform, he raised arms and spread them as he delivered his speech

"Praise be! Praise be to your brothers and sisters. Great shall be their reward in Paradise! Hear now the words of Xemüg: "When I walk the earth again, the faithful among you shall receive your reward: to be set above all other mortals forever.

As for the rest... the weak shall be winnowed; the timid shall be cast down; the mighty shall tremble at my feet and pray for pardon." Your reward, brothers and sisters: the time of cleansing draws nigh. We go now to Paradise. We return to Xemüg at the coming of dawn!" He finished, everyone raised their cups and cheered.

Daniel walked off the platform and came back to me, he noticed my gloomy expression.
"You're scared, aren't you?" He stated, I nodded slowly. He sighed and placed his cup on the floor, placing his hands on my shoulders

"It's okay to be afraid, (y/n). Take my hand" he gestured for me to take his hand, holding it out to me. I did so and he picked up his cup in his other hand
"We will meet in the next world, I promise.." he gazed into my eyes, I noticed some people began to fall.

I watched as he took a swig, before I knew it he crashed his lips onto mine, I felt him exchange the poison as we kissed, but I didn't fight back. I kissed him and held onto his shoulders.

My fear of leaving him was gone, for I knew that he will stay with me. After a few moments we pulled away for breath, gazing into eachothers eyes. He smiled reassuringly

"I'll never leave you, I promise" I smiled at his words, he knelt down with me as we waited for the poison to do it's magic. I sat in his lap and he held me close, he and I took a sip from our plastic cups.

I slightly choked from the taste of the rat poison, coughing as the powder slid down my throat. He patted my back and soothed me, I began to feel nauseous and dizzy.

"Daniel?" I coughed again, he hummed
"I- I feel.. I feel sick" tears pricked my eyes and I held onto his shoulders. His pupils were small and purple liquid dripped down the side of his lips.
"You're ascending, my love.. don't be afraid. Just hold on to me"

And that's what I did, the world was spinning as I was fading in and out. I was too weak and I went limp in his arms
"Daniel.. I love you.." I said before I slowly delve into darkness, he fell onto his side with me in his arms and I heard him whisper to me aswell, his body going limp
"I love you too, (y/n).."

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