Page29: Chapter 1

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Page29, Chapter1
Now, what?
Why do thou need to come back?
Right here, now, wishing to lose contact

her? then go, brag
made me mad
myopic feelings of mine
feelings intertwined

history repeats itself, caged me
can't I just be free?
Knowing I was the only one to trust
But min heart doesn't like this to last

Just go
Closed vision to ease
how thy contact can be ignored?

Halfway there in not wanting thou anymore
Ridiculous how no pondering of regrets
Min promises, meant to be broken for
Leaving u is what's right

Thou are now lone
I'm quitting on you
For myself, not for you
For happiness, I will own

Close thy eyes
Act as if we never met
For both's happiness, we'll lend
If not, abide in my lies

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