Chapter #2: Numbers

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Peters pov

Shit he had lost you. Through the crowd of people rushing to class. You, the shy reserved girl from his English class, just told Flash off. In front if everyone, hebhad never had anyone stand up for him like that before and he needed to talk to you.

Thought he knew that he probably wouldn't be able to get an actual word out if he did catch up to you because, God oh the hell was he supposed to talk to such a beautiful girl. His crush since the 8th. He had given up freshman year and started crushing on Liz because he obviously had no chance with you.


"Ned you don't understand. Why would she do that, for me" Peter was doing situps during gym.

"Just tell her you like her already dude" Ned felt bad for his best friend. He was bold enough to save the city every night but was to scared to ask out a girl he had been crushing on for years.

"No way dude, she doesn't even like me" Peter protested, shaking his head and rolled his eyes.

"Her actions today say completely different man" Ned had tried so many times over the past few years to get Peter to ask you out but his attempts were always pushed to the side.

"No, Ned" Peter huffed, the bell ringing giving Peter an escape from this conversation. "But I gotta go, May wants me home early" that was a complete lie he was trying to catch up to you.

"Alright man. I'll see you around" Ned waved to his best friend, knowing he used May as an excuse but he didn't bring it up.


"Y/n!" Peter had spotted you down the hall, and he needed to talk to you. He wanted to try to start a friendship at least.

He had finally caught up to you and grabbed your sholder turning you around to face him. You let out a small yelp because you had your headphones on and wasn't paying attention.

You smacked his chest due to the surprise, he let out a yelp like yours "Oh, shit. I'm sorry, im really sorry, you just scared me" you laughed nervously.

"N-No, it's totally fine. I should've grabbed y-you like that. S-Sorry" he gave you a small aqward smile.

"Uh, so was there a uh reason that you grabbed me" you chuckled slightly at Peter's studdering. You felt your cheeks heating up slightly hopefully he didn't notice this.

"I uh just w-wanted to say uh thanks, for erm earlier today" Peter played with his fingers. Suddenly losing all confidence in his words.

"Its no problem, I got tired seeing Flash shove you around all the time" you sent him a small smile and then looked back at the floor.

"Thanks I u-" Peter got cut off by someone calling your name from behind.

"Yo y/n/n!" Jays voice rang in your ear, you cursed your brother in your head as you turned and gave him a smile and a nod signaling him to wait a moment. He wiggled his eyebrows once he saw you were with a guy and you simply rolled your eyes and turned back to Peter. Who was staring at you. Hear was rising back to your cheeks.

"Sorry, uh my brother, Jay. He has off today and he usually is working so we agreed to go and hang out, since we don't get to do it much during the week.

"Y-yea, that's fine. I just wanted to ask if you uh wanted to study with me for the uh math t-test next week" Peter was not confident in his request he was almost sure you would say no.

"Yea! That works. I will uh give you my number so we can uh work things out" you patted your pockets for your phone.

"H-here" Peter handed you his phone and you gave him a wide smile and took it.

"And, there" and finished putting your number in his phone and handed it back to him. He gave you a grin that you swear made your knees weak.

"Thanks, I'll uh next you" he smiled at you and you returned it. He had noticed the blush on your face but he didn't say anything, it made his heart flutter.

"Y/N! Come on" Jay groaned. You laughed and cursed under your breath.

"Ill see you around Parker, text me" you smiled and turned to walked towards your brother, sending Peter and small wave and smile.

"I-I will, bye" Peter waved back and turned around to walk to his locker to grab his books. The smile on his face never faltering once.


"Peter? I thought you went home" Ned laughed, seeing his friends giddy state.

"Sorry, Ned but I had to talk to y/n. She gave me her number, oh gosh I am an absolute idiot. How to I start a conversation ughh" Peter rambled "sorry I lied Ned"

"Its fine dude, just say hey or something like that" Ned laughed at his friends foolishness.

"Yea, and we are going to study together and all that and I'm so nervous" Peter closed his locked and looked at Ned with pleading eyes. He needed to be told what to say to you so he didn't mess it up.

"Fine, ill come over tonight and tell you what to say" Ned said. Peter snapped his head towards his friend, a smile on his face.

"Thanks bro" Peter brought out his hand for his and Neds signature handshake.

Peter couldn't help but forget all about Liz in this moment. His mind filled with possibilities of things he could do to spend time with you.

Ned was over the moon for his best friend, he had seen you pinning after you then giving up on anything with you then over the years, seeing you fall more in love with a girl he rarely ever spoke to. For once in his high school experience, Ned was thankful to Flash.

Peter and Ned walked out the building and headed towards his apartment, to attempt to text you snd not utterly embarrasse Peter.

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