Senari Vis - The Towns most lovable mischief

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It was a pleasant day, the sky crystal clear with stars almost visible on the morning haze, the moon shyly peeping out barely visible, but you can see the celestial chasing young children through the fields,

The town of Kayla, a place filled with happy families settled on the far east end of the land Riveria, The land with high mountains, A prolific land sustaining thousands of people settled there and aiding many a travelers who seek time off from their monotonous life from towns afar and near the big Capital Ligt, the city where the founders live.

Kayla, A quiet town with people mainly focused on farming and crafts, earning their bread and butter in trading. Lived a respected landlord, Ceru Vis III,  one of the towns rich trader, belonging to a family who once moved from the capital to this wonderful town by the river flowing  down from the majestic and unconquerable Mt.Kayla. Hence the name of the town.

The land of Riveria, has multiple mountain ranges and rivers running through it, a trove of natural resources, where people live in harmony with nature.

Ceru Vis, who was the only son to his father undertook the family business of trading in millets and logs to buyers from near and far villages and towns, His business was one of the most respected and main source of material for many.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2022 ⏰

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