At the paradise

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We got off of the plane knowing we were there. I ran off excited but jack stopped me and said

"Babe, we need to check in first"

We walked over to the check in and got our keys. Jack could see I was ready to run off and he grabbed my arm

"No running off for you missy" he stated in a harsh but comforting voice

"Hmph" I was angry

We walked over to the cabin we were staying at while he was still holding my arm. I changed into a swimsuit as this was a resort and that's what everyone was wearing.

We went outside after changing and after he locked the house he told me to run as he let go of my arm. I got mad as he had said it as if I was a dog. But not gonna lie dogs are cute, here's a picture of our dog! 🥰

 But not gonna lie dogs are cute, here's a picture of our dog! 🥰

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(This image does not belong to me)

As he let me go I ran as on our way to the house I saw a water park. I was just going because I love water slides!!!

I got on one of the taller ones and immediately regretted my decision once I got to the top... I couldn't turn back now though, I had already came up with people behind me. So I went down

I was screaming as if someone had stabbed me, people at the bottom were staring so I shut up as soon as I saw them, once I got down I went to my boyfriend and just hugged him and lates my head on his shoulder. It was already a long day and I quit. He knew what I was doing.

I wanted attention, of course

So he picked me up and carried me to our house and put me on our bed.

He then walked away, but not before telling me he was gonna go get food, I wasn't worried what he was getting, because I knew he knows what I like to eat.

He came in our room as I was drinking some soda and watching a movie on the small tv on our wall. He gave me my food.

"SUSHI!!" I screamed

"yeah, I know you love it" he replied

He sat down in the chair next to our bed and started eating, so did I, then our dog, Mary, Walked in (Bet you didn't know she was here!)

She started begging for food but Jack kept telling her no, so when he wasn't looking I gave her a treat from the container we had on our nightstand.

Later after we ate he sat down next to me and we cuddled and watched a movie with Mary at our feet.

We woke up the next day and got ready, before we left for the trip we scheduled a boat trip, it was a few hours long but we were staying here for about a month, we had no time to lose.

We left and got on the boat. It was very nice, it had a place for our cooler and a place for our bag with our food in it, cup holders, it also had enough room for 6 people! It wasn't much of a canoe though, it was more of a raft.

We starting rowing the boat, there were other people here too but we weren't focused on them too much, we were focused on having a good time, we were taking turns rowing the boat and on my turn I sipped my soda (which looked so cool in the cup they gave us!!) and I ate a sandwich.

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