james gets his diaper changed by Toriel

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One day in the underground Asriel was watering the flowers when he looked up and saw a human child falling towards him. He catches the human child in his arms. Hey are you okay. He asked. Yeah I think so, but I think I need a diaper change. The human child said as he had soiled his diaper on the way down into the underground. Here I think I may know you somehow ok let's see I'm guessing your name is Asriel dreemurr right. He said. Ok you know my name that's weird. Asriel said. Ok let's get you to my mother so she can change your diaper. Asriel said. And what is your mom's name. The human child asked. Toriel dreemurr. Asriel dreemurr said. Ok both your and your mom's names sound so familiar to me. Like I should already know you and your mom as if you were my older brother and as if Toriel were my mother as well since I can only remember five or six letters of my last name and my first name is James but I do remember that my last name has eight letters and I can only remember the first six letters of my last name. James said to Asriel. They soon arrived at Toriel and Asriel's house. Asriel dreemurr who's this human child in your arms. Toriel asked. His name is James mom and his last name is dreemu and he can only remember the first six letters of his last name. And mom he needs a diaper change. Asriel said passing the human child to his mother. Uh excuse me but is there something that you want to tell me. Toriel said to the human child in her arms. Wait a minute I think one of the eight letters in my last name is used three times. Hold on I remember my last name is dreemurr. My name is James dreemurr.  He said. James dreemurr that's not possible. There can't be two with that name. Toriel said. Uh oh I don't feel so good. I feel like I going to be sick. He said holding his stomach in pain. Toriel sat the human child down on the floor and watched as the seat of his diaper filled a second time and his appearance change white fur was growing from the hairs on his body horns appeared on his head and a tail poked out of the top of his diaper. You're right about that there can't be two James dreemurr and there can only be one James dreemurr and that's who I'm. He said hugging his mother for the first time in his life. Mom I really miss you and my big brother. James dreemurr said crying into toriel's breast. Huh what the. James dreemurr my baby is that really you that Asriel had found. Toriel asked. Yes mom is was me that he found and I guess being down here in the underground has reverse whatever magic that it was that turned me human in the first place. And I really need a diaper change mom so can you please change my diaper. He asked. Yes I will change your diaper my baby boy. Toriel said carrying her stinky diapered son to his and frisk's bedroom to change his diaper. Uh mom where's frisk my diapered twin sister at. James asked. Oh she's asleep right now. Toriel said. Oh okay. Mom after you change my diaper can you tuck me in her bed with her because I want to surprise her when she wakes up in the morning. James said as Toriel placed him on the changing table and untaped his soiled diaper from his waist and began to wipe away the stool or poop lefted on his rear with some baby wipes and Toriel apply diaper rash cream to her son's butt followed by baby powder being apply over the applied layer of diaper rash cream and Toriel slided a clean diaper under her son's bottom and lower her son's bottom onto the waiting diaper and taped it snuggly on to make sure that her son's clean diaper is secured around her son's waist. Okay my diapered son all done with changing your diaper. Toriel said picking him up and tucking him in frisk's bed placing him with his diapered twin sister. Good night mom. James dreemurr said yawning. Good night my diapered twin children. Toriel said as she left the room. Thought the night James was sleeping peacefully with his diapered twin sister next to him he had no worries, now that he's home where he belongs.

The next morning frisk woke up first and noticed that there was someone else asleep in her bed with her since last night. Then James woke up. Good Morning my diapered twin sister. He said. Huh um who are you and why are you in my bed. Frisk asked. Toriel tucked me in your bed last night after she changed my diaper. James said. My name is James dreemurr and I'm your twin brother remember. He said. Huh wait a minute James dreemurr my diapered twin brother is it really you. Frisk asked. Yeah sis it's me. James dreemurr said hugging his diapered twin sister. James what happened to you. Frisk asked. Well I was stuck as a human for a while yesterday until Asriel dreemurr our older brother had seen me fall into the underground and he catches me in his arms and I ended up needing a diaper change when he brought me home and when I remember my full last name I began to feel sick and I ended up soiling my diaper a second time before I returned to normal the way you see me now. And I cried into our mother's breast letting her know that I really miss her and she cradle me in her arms trying to calm me down. Then our mother Toriel took me to our bedroom and placed me on the changing table and changed my diaper before tucking me in your bed last night. So that's pretty much it i think. James said. Down the hall Asriel dreemurr lefted his room to check on frisk. And when he got to frisk's bedroom. He saw a younger version of him that looks like. Uh good morning big brother. James dreemurr said. Huh who said that? Asriel asked. I did. James dreemurr said hugging Asriel.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2021 ⏰

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