foe (through the trees)

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Δ daniel Δ

I glanced out of the window in my makeshift home near the city. I couldn't believe that I'd be going there. It was full of the shelled people and I knew that if I spent too long there, I'd become one myself. I grabbed my jacket off of the open window and slipped it on. I made my way over to the stairs and jogged my way down. I'd made my way down these stairs billions of times. But tonight was the last time. I pulled the heavy door open, got on my bike, and headed into the heart of the city. I took as many alleys and empty bike paths as possible. It wasn't that difficult to avoid the shells because most of them liked to congregate in the city, not out here in the outskirts of town. I stopped my bike and walked into a small tienda. I looked around for anybody, but couldn't see any shells. I grabbed a bottle of Jarritos out of the refrigerator section, when a Hispanic shell woman appeared in the window to the kitchen. I dropped the drink and sped out of the tienda as fast as possible. I jogged down a street and passed a couple heatedly making out. I had been running for what felt like hours, but was probably only 20 minutes or so. A large arcade appeared in the distance and I ran inside. A pair of barefoot girls stood, playing an arcade game and I halted. They turned to face me and raised their eyes. Shit. More shells. I panicked and ran past the pair. I reached the air hockey tables and a beautiful blonde girl wearing a leather jacket covered in straps and zippers, black skinny jeans, and a pair of black hi-tops stopped me in my tracks. She looked up at me and I saw she was a shell. Every fibre of my being told me to run like hell and leave her, but a part of me said, 'Give her a chance. Just maybe she can be changed.' I stood there for a good two minutes debating what to do and listening to the two feelings battle. Eventually the need to have her with me and possibly rescue her won me over. I grabbed her arm and dragged her out of the place. We burst through the doors to maintenance and I threw open a box that contained the workers' car keys. I fumbled and dropped them. The girl just stood there, looking at me in wonder. As we ran out to the car park, a shell glared at us and blew smoke out of his mouth. I cringed and rushed past him, toward the cars. I tried every car, but none of the keys seemed to fit. It wasn't until the girl and I got outside and arrived at a crappy car, that a key worked. I threw open the passenger door, lightly pushed her into the seat and shut the door. I leaped into the driver's seat and shoved the key into the ignition. The girl buckled up and as did I. It wasn't until we hit the very edge of the city that she spoke.

ok so tada! here's the first chapter of black eyes and leather jackets! im currently also working on ANOTHER danfic (im gonna make that a word) on paper. i really don't wanna type it until i get my laptop fixed, which may take a while. anyways, i hope you enjoyed! the next chapter may be out soon, depending on how much time i have to write on this.

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