Blood loss

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*Side note* medium language, maybe some mild violence(maybe medium if you're squeamish). 

*TW* Blood

3rd person pov

In the warm, fire lit, common room, James Potter and Peter Pettigrew were sitting in an angry silence at the table by the window, reading over their newly finished potion essays. Sirius is lying in the puffy armchair in front of the fire, trying to hide his tomato red face. Lily walked through the portrait hole and walked over to their table and stood beside it for a minute, but neither acknowledged her. Frowning she walked behind James and looked over his shoulder.

"That's wrong, moonstone powder isn't in Polyjuice Potion. And Bezours are used as antidotes for most poisons." she said pointing at spots on James' parchment.

"Oh, oops messed up." He said sarcastically.

"Of course you did, James!" Squeaked Peter

"Shut up Peter!" James roared

Lily looked up at Peter, his lips were trembling and his eyes watering with anger.

"What the hell is wrong with you two!? And why is Sirius over there sulking?"

Remus's pov

I was running through the castle, hoping not to meet any prefects or students. I threw open the entrance doors, and sprinted across the grounds to the Whomping Willow.

"Imobulous!" I shouted as I came close, and pushed through the hole and hurried through the passageway. 

"Goddammit, why is this passage so fucking long!" I exclaimed

Finally, I reached wooden stairs covered with a thin layer of dust; I trampled up, and burst through the door, just in time for the Moonlight to find me. 

Gryffindor Common Room, Hogwarts

 "Oh, well if you must know, Remus is having some personal problems, and Sirius is worried for him." James said flatly, scratching his nose aggressively

"If he's upset, why aren't you over there comforting him; Do you know what he's been through?"

"Uh... Yah! Much more than you probably do Lily!" James said matter-of-factly." I'm not over there comforting him, because when he's upset he doesn't like to be bothered. He told us to finish our work, so we are, mind your own business!"

"How do you know he wants to be alone, maybe he thinks he wants to be alone because that all he knows? I'm going over !" she said before turning and marching over to the armchair.

"James, I already told you a hundred times, I'm fine!" Sirius said not looking up. 

"Sirius? It's Lily, can we talk?" she said quietly.

"Oh... Sorry." " Ummm, sure?" he said after a moments pause.

Shrieking Shack, Hogwarts grounds

Remus pov

The light hit my flesh and a shiver shot up my spine. My skin prickled as goosebumps spread across my tan skin. I yelled in agony as small sharp nails replaced my nice pedicured square ones. It felt as if my bones were being stretched like rubber bands, my face protruding, senses enhanced, clothes torn to fit this new body. The wolf smelled dull blood( from previous visits) and craved the taste of new blood. I couldn't control what the wolf did, it just scratched at the door, trying to get out. Then with vicious bubbles of spit, the animal bit me.

Gryffindor Common Room, Hogwarts 

"Merlin's beard, I told her not to go and bloody talk to him!" James whispered angrily.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Feb 22, 2021 ⏰

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