Liverwell Thicket

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The wind was howling as if it were a creature of the night. In the distance, stood the king of the forest. His eyes penetrated through the misty thicket that was once Liverwell Thicket Oak. Once upon a time the forest full of magic and beauty or atleast that's what my grandmother told me when I was a kid. For years I too used to believe that faires slept inside the powerful Liverwell Oak tree, that was the source of all magic. I was once told that all the creatures of the forest looked up to one in their kingdom.

 According to my grandmother he was known to be distant, cold almost, but he was greatly respected amongst the other creatures. His eyes held no shine alothough they were gold. His teeth were rumored to be pearly white and sharp although rarely seen. The last thing my grandmother informed me about the king was his howl. Whispers across the forest began to dance with the wind like fall leaves on an autumn day. A howl that can cut through your skin like a sword. It was incrediably low but it was enough to make your goosebumps have goosebumps. 

Every single time I went to my grandmothers house, I would sue for her to tell me more about the king of the forest. Although I was just a child, I found myself growing more and more fond of him. "Will I someday meet him grandmama?" I asked with a wide yawn escaping my mouth

She smiled down at me and tucked me into bed slowly getting up from her seat on the bed. "Of course my dear, if you ask him I'm sure he'll say yes." she answered gently placing a kiss on the temple of my skull. Before I knew it I fell asleep in the blink of an eye after recieving an answer. 

I'm now 23 years old and I live in my grandmothers old home. I will continue to cherish the memories we shared in my heart but, I don't believe in such fairytales anymore. They were just stories to entertain a young little girl from thinking about her grandmothers illness. There is no such thing as the king of the forest, whom is a wolf. 

'The young woman sighs standing outside on her balcony looking amongst the view. Liverwell Thicket Oak, the enchanted forest which hold magical creatures beyond ones imagination. That, just so happen to have a king who is a wolf' I smirk under my breath 

Almost at an instant a huge gust of wind threw my hair over my face, temporarily blinding me of the world around me. The young girl groaned in annoyance flipping her curley cherry red hair out of the way, taking in her surroundings. 'It was so random!' she thought to herself 

Or so she thought when, a group of laughs and giggles interrupted her silence. Standing, she began frantically looking around for the culprits. Only to be met with nothing. No figure, No shadows, Not even a single peep. It was strange. "I must be going crazy.." she began "and I'm talking to myself.." she finished with yet another sigh, this time big enough to cause a small but deadily windstorm somewhere close by. A group initure screams echoed loud enough to reach her ears. "That! I know I heard something this time!" she shouted in a low whisper to herself as she continued to look around frantically

"Watch it lady! Any faster and you might break your own neck!" he chuckled uncontrolably while holding his stomach

Turning her head one last time, she finally spotted him. A small little human but with transparent wings with a hint gold swirls.' A fairy? A real live fairy?!' Jade orbs gawked at the fairy in disbelief whether or not she's gone mad. "Take a picture why don't cha it'll last longer he teased" sharing an amorous smirk

"Y-you're actually real.." a shakey breath escaped her lips in amazment of his existance. "And you're crazy.. ofcourse I'm real!" he huffed "First you blow away my friends and then you question my existance..!" he fumed clearly annoyed with me at this point 

The young woman looked to her side to see the other fairies barely flying. Their hair looked as if a tornado hit them, their wings slightly bent, and their clothes covered in ..water? The fairies had an annoyed look plastered on their faces as well. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to blow you all away, and I didn't mean to insult you either." she bit her lip anxiously as she began helping them tidy up their appearnces. After some small talk amongst the faires, they forgave the human girls ignorance. "You're alright, miss..?" he began "Marie Levington, but everyone calls me Mai" she quickly finished

The jokster flirting with her every once in the while's name is Alyster but amongst the other faries, he goes by Al. After a few more minutes of small talk their was a sudden chill in the air. It almost felt as though someone just poured ice cold water all over her soul. The faries seemed to have felt the difference in atomosphere. I felt a dark poweful force coming from somewhere in the forest. In an instant, I turned my head and my willow eyes began to water. Her peepers were met with dull eyes that held no shine, but replaced with grim force. As fast as she met the faries they quickly but quietly said their goodbyes to the human girl. It was almost as if the powerful mysterious force was summoning them back to the forest. 

I didn't want my new friends to go but, I didn't have the courage to oppose an unknown creature that ooze intimidation. Al lingered a bit longer by my side listening to the creature speak telepathically to him. "My king wants to meet you Mai.." he suddenly spoke never losing eye contact with "the king" . The young girls eyes widen instantly to oppose but her body began to move on its down. Her body forced the young woman up the balcony ledge, as her eyes looked down at the ground at an alarming height. If she had control over her person, she was sure she'd faint or even scream. Her eyes quickly eyed "the king's". 'He's doing this...He holds control over my body!' she cried in fear inside her head

Before she knew it, she was free falling off of her balcony! The last thing she could remember seeing were those alluring golden eyes before she fainted.

The beautiful young girl was never to be seen again in the human relm. Her last thoughts however could be echoed throughout the forest. It's a warning to all humans who trespass, mock, and nonbelievers of the creatures of Liverwell Thicket Oak. 

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