The Abyss

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'What is this feeling?' was the last thought general of the sea asked himself before feeling the rush of wave smack him in the face. Kicking, fighting, and screaming trying to find his way to the surface. Only to be dragged down by his shadow manifesting itself into a beautiful seductive woman. Each time he would escape her grasp even if it were for a short while, she would reel him back in like a fisherman catching his dinner. Presh is what she called herself when we first met, but she had the intentions of a Kraken.' At first, she had good intentions.' That's what I thought at least but I soon learned she just wanted to see me become her zombie

 It all started when I was promoted captain of my very own ship in the south sector of navy base number nine. I come from a modest family and humble town known for its famous chocolates. Although our town was small compared to most, we did well for ourselves. Nobles, Politicians, and Celebrities from across the nation would come to Fort Dells just for a taste at the tip of their fingertips. My parents have been making chocolate as young as 9 years old. It's a family tradition that we teach the young the way of the pudding delight, and once they become 18 they're to take ownership of the family business. Unfortunately, I had other plans for my life. I didn't want to be just another chocolate shop owner like my family tree. I wanted to save people like the man in an old television show I used to watch when I was a kid. Luckily I ran into Petty Officer First-Class Andrews, and I tripped over his shoes dropping fresh ingredients on the ground. 

I remember feeling embarrassed and afraid I scuffed his shoes. He was surprisingly a nice guy and understanding. He was more worried about me than his expensive freshly polished shoes. He insisted I sit down with him and share some chocolates with him, just to prove no hard feelings. Eventually, we started talking and I told him all about my dream. He told me if I was serious that I should finish school, train my body, and pass some insane tests in order to apply. I followed his advice as if my life depended on it. My parents didn't find out about it until I was officially accepted as a sailor. We fought for three days straight until my last day, they accepted my decision and said their farewells with love. I was only 19 years old then.

So why did I give all of that up? 

It feels like I'm drowning but, everyone else around me can breathe just fine. I got everything I ever asked for. My dream has finally come true but, I'm still not satisfied. 'Your family don't miss you. You're a disappointment to your family. You'll never be able to prove yourself more than just a chocolate shop owner.' I heard her pessimistic whisper echo into my eardrums. My lungs running out of oxygen. I can't breathe. 'Why fight it? You know that no one cares about you' she cackles like a hyena 

Reality sets in for the captain may be, presh is right. Why continue to fight her if no one cares about you. His family and friends are most likely disappointed in him for leaving all of those responsibilities on his parents and siblings. Why should anyone care about you when all you thought of was yourself. Darkness begins to consume him as he begins to accept his fate. 'What is this feeling?' was his last thought before he fell deeper into the abyss 

"Captain! I'm here!" she shrieked swimming towards him with determination filling her heart. The determination took form as pure energy around her embodiment. The tenacious spirit vanished; retreating to the shadows. Drowning in her pools he was stunned to see someone come to his aid, but not with a lifesaver. Her heart. "M-Marie.." he breathed out his breath hitched in his throat

"Breathe Felix.. I'm here" she cooed softly gently stroking freshly trimmed midnight locks. Felix realizing he's lying in her lap sighs in relief. Breathing. "Why did you come here?" his face falls flat staring up at her wondering. "We lost men today and I wanted to check on you. Looks like it was the right call." she simply states 

The two stared into each other's oculus oceans of blue. Practically drinking in each other's essence. Marie continued smiling down at him "besides, it's my job to pick you back up when you feel like you're about to fall again. I know I'm just your assistant but, if something were to happen to you then who else is going to help expand your family's name?" Felix stunned by her response could only nod and clear his throat. A gentle giggle escaped her crimson-painted lips noticing a rosy tint kissing his face. 

Golden bouncy strands fall over her shoulders effortlessly when she stands. Marie holds her right hand out to her crush. " I'll always be by your side, Captain" she whispered as a temporary blush began to invade her jowl. Felix hesitates knowing, presh will be back. Presh is always waiting and watching for the perfect opportunity to strike. 'What if you can't help me?' he thought to himself

As if the mature goldie locks heard him, she grabbed his hand and smiled down at him once more. "Felix, I'm your friend before everything else. Please trust me. I will help you through this.." she cooed gently 

Felix stood slowly following her out of his captain's quarters to the infirmary. The door opened slowly, and a blinding light shined through his room. The light was almost comforting almost a sign telling him things will be alright. Marie squeezed his hand giving him a small boost of confidence. Without a second thought, the pair lead their path towards a better future. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2021 ⏰

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