The next steps

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I grab Zandra's hand and pull her out side while yelling for Ragan to come with us outside, once we're out in some fresh air I turn and look at her. Why do you hate the word pup? "Zandra-........" ok Ragan why dose she hate the word pup so much? I see her look uncomfortable and glancing at zandra. "Ragan- she hates it so much because when we were all young she was unofficially considered the runt in school, so kids would call her pup or puppy. She hated so much that she snapped one day and got into a fight with an older kid and bite his ear in half, after that she trained harder and longer then anyone. By the next year no one could beat her, only some of the fighters in our tribe Zach and her father could bring her down." thank you Ragan, so you let your past come back to haunt you every time you hear the word pup? And you think is still relevant today? Your a fucking alpha! Look at me zandra. She looks away and down, witch pissed me off. I grab her face and make her look at me, you wanna live in the past because of a word then I'll remind you of it everyday until your over it. You need to see your self as everyone else sees you and be the alpha that your supposed to be (mushing her face away), Ragan take me to the elders place to meet ma and father! (walking away and calling over my shoulder).

once We got done with talking to Matoya we walk out and see light talking to zandra the next thing I see is light grabbing zandra's face and practically screaming, shoving her away, she walks away and calling for Ragan to follow her. Walking up beside my sister I see she's in shock and has tears running down her face, I grab her shoulder and pull her into me. Sis I didn't hear much of that conversation but I do know that what ever was said really got to you, so i need you to pull your self together before we see father and the elders. Also I may not know the complete reason of why you hate the word so much but your not a pup and you never were, you have worked your ass off to be who you are; so be the alpha that you were meant to be. She looks up to me and just balls into my chest, wrapping my arms around her I give her a moment and then pull away from her. Now I believe that an alpha and a right hand is required to meet with the chief and the elders, can I see my alpha? "(Sniffing) yes, (whipping her face and whispering) I don't like you but thank you." I'll take that little Zaza, come on lets get going.

Damn I never thought she'd do anything like that, talk about a surprise but she has a point. I am an alpha and I need to get over my past. Zach just helped me too but ima get him back for that old ass nick name, getting myself together I reach out to light just to apologize. Beautiful I'm sorry, your right I need to get over my past. Please can you for give me? "Not until you get over this stupid ass word, and stop acting like a puppy." Sighing fine but I can't do it over night, that takes time. I'm going to work on it, please forgive me? "......... I'll forgive you once your over it" I'll take that, thank you beautiful. "No flattery, you get nothing babe" but baby, that not fair "life isn't fair, get used to it pup. And hurry up!" Yes beautiful. Hanging my head low I feel so damn young and stupid. "Zach- I take it she's not letting up huh?" No and I think I might be sleeping on the couch of my own room. "Lafayette- (giggles) oh so you and your brother are more a like then I thought, don't worry he's been there trust me (smiling)"

Getting to the elders hall we see Ragan and Light waiting with my mother. "Mother- well I see someone's gotten beaten into shape, is everyone ready to report what you know and what we need to do next?" There a unison yes around and she guides us in.

Once everyone is here I introduce the elders to my light and let them know that she's alpha mate and what needs to happen once there report is concluded. We listen with concern, confusion and above everything calculation. Zach, Zandra; what do you think we need to do? "Zach- I think banishment is undeniable, but within the pack we should be more cautious of who we invite in and raise the moral and connecting with everyone a little more." "Zandra- I agree, we also need to find Jezabell and bring in her family, I may not personally like them but I do not believe her father has anything to do with any of this nor there mother. I think we need to isolate Jezabell and force her try and make another move and if it comes down to it..... eliminate her, we still don't know her full motives and that in itself is cause for concern." "Elder- and you believe that she will attempt another attack?" "Zandra- I do, but I don't believe it will be so soon. She'll plan it out, that's why I think isolation is the best action now." "Zach- she is still injured she has limitations, lets make sure we can extend them and take out any and every means to try anything else." It also sound like she may have been part of the missing scouts. "Elder- I see the possibility there but that maybe a stretch in its self, we need to handle the banishment and track down this troublesome whelp." I will send for thanose and his mate to be brought in, also for fighters to search for her. Who would you like to handle the banishment? "Elder- we well take care of that since we brought the problem in we will make sure they are sent off." Everything is decided, let's get moving and planing. The next thing elders we need to finalize alpha and light connection. "Elder- from the sound of it they have a strong connection as is, so this should be an easy one. We will do it swiftly after this meeting, also your right hand and expecting mate needs to go with the eldest healer to discuss and check on the process of delivering a hybrid. She will be waiting for you at the entrance." Good is everything set, I don't see anything else that we need to discuss. Alpha light please head to the room off to the right and prepare, Zach and Lafayette please head to the entrance to meet with the healer; I will start on dealing with Jezabell. We all get up and bow, splitting off to do what need to be done.

Zandra leads me to a room with candles in a circle on the floor and the ceiling is glass opened showing the dawning sky, what is all of this? "You'll see beautiful, do you trust me?" Yes "then I need to to strip down to your underwear." I do as she says and we see an older man and woman come in dressed in robes.
Woman- please some with me my light. I walk with her behind a curtain, she wipes my body down with a piece of cotton. Then hands me a thin white robe and ushers me into the cricle, then I see Zandra dressed the same and coming to stand with me.
Man- please join hands and touch your head together.
Zandra has to bend down a little since I'm shorter then her, but she smiles at me and I couldn't help but blush.
Woman- please gods join these fated mates into a life time of prosperity, let there be no difference, challenge nor obstacle they can't face together. Lay upon them the wisdom, strength, and guidance that's need to walk together. Join theses wondering souls into one, join these two heart as one, join the spirit that split from each other into one again! Let them be whole again!
I feel this burning sensation not just from my skin but my insides, I close my eyes and grip her hand a little harder. I feel her nudge me with her head making me look up her eyes are bright silver almost a reflective metallic color, then the burning dulled and a coolness washes over me, for a moment it felt like we were just wed. After a moment I felt a sharp pain then a surge of power, I raise my head up to scream but I can see a mixture of light coming out of me, purples and reds are fusing with the silver. After I don't know how long the light fade then shoot back inside us the fusion of the color went back into both of us, breathing hard I look down at myself. I feel different now, I can't describe it but it's good but a little frightening. Looking at Zandra I see she looks different her body look solid, chiseled like there's more strength behind her muscles. Looking up to her face it seem more defined like, I'm seeing her in cleansing crystal light. She looks at me and I see one tear fall and the smile on her face is mesmerizing.
Woman- (smiling) now your connection is complete, young mates you both are whole now. "Zandra- well my beautiful mate are you ready to face the world with me?" Of course, I'm staying and fighting for my life and love. I couldn't help but pull her into me and kiss her, I know I've been doubtfull but now that I'm learning to accept my self. I'm not letting anyone take away my love, life or my family.

Kane- what is this about? I see that you've been running around for years eradicating and causing a complete chaos, we are here to make sure there is never another war from species to species Including our own; The fuck do you think your doing!?
Oh come one Ramdale it's no fun to not see some fighting, and please there's plenty of places I haven't hit. I was just..... spicing it up a little is all, you know a sprinkle of death here, a dash of uproar there and a pinch of controversy everywhere.
Do you think this is a game! You have made a mockery of this coven, creating new half original beings that would know absolutely nothing about who they are, and hybrids running around raising all hell every were. If one of them would have off spring we would all be in danger us the humans and any other species, your trying to bring back the dark ages!?
Honestly that time was so much more fun this this dull shit we call peace.
Your becoming worse, bringing me no choice I'm putting you to sleep. I'm not sorry for this, your going to settle down in the crypt. We have worked far to long for your careless insolence to set us all back into the ages were we all had to fight. My sons sedate him while I bind his consciousness, making sure that he wouldn't be able to break or bend the script. They take him away while I sit and figure out all of what he's done and caused, knowing full well there's grim days ahead.
Soldier- your majesty, you asked me to look for any hybrids that may have been made I found a clue that there might be. Even though it's just hearsay for now I thought I bring it to you attention.
Oh for our sake, what is the possibility?
While Kane was running rampant he whipped out 3 wolf shifter packs, half a panther guild, and there rumors that there was fornication with mermaids, nymphs and elf's.
By the great darkness! This is hearsay!
For rate now, yes your majesty. I'm continuing to look into each case that I hear, but he is caused distrust towards vampires.
...... find out more! I don't need hear say I need facts, evidence, people. you find that then tell me! I need to meet with the Council he may be one original that may have to be delt with.

Yes, I leave y'all with a cliffhanger, with questions, concerns and everything else. BUT this is a part of the story, so stay tuned and calm down you awesome nerds; you will have more.

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