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(Tw: Mean parents, cursing)
(Also don't take this as I'm ok with mean parents. I'm absolutely not ok with it.
And if you're struggling or just wanna talk my pms are open <3)


When will I get out of this hell hole.
It's a never ending list of chores and tasks.
It's like I'm a house elf.

I stood at the kitchen sink drying my grandmothers dishes with the house elves.
Like I was told to do.

Why do I even waste my time in this place.
It's not worth it.
It never was.

"Y/n. Get in here now"
My mother's voice.
Oh how I hated it.
Ever since...well since forever I've hated it.

'It's them valuing Pansy over me.'
It makes me sick.

"Coming mother" I set my towel down on the granite counter and walked out to the living room where my mother, father, and Pansy stood.
They were all dressed up in nicer outfits.
I only ever got the hand-me-down torn up clothes. They were always too small on me, since well..they aren't meant for people my age.

"We're going to Diagon alley to get more supplies. You can use the spare ones."
Of course I get the spare ones.
I don't know why I even try to be nice to these people.
They seemed disgusted by my presence in this household. I don't know why they bother keeping me here.

"Yes mother." I nodded and rolled my eyes as discreetly as I could.
Trying not to get yelled at again
I watched as the 3 left using floo powder.
I'm not aloud out of the house so I've never used it.
When I leave for school we just aparate.
I can't leave the house because mom and dad say I'm a "disaster child" and "danger follows me wherever you go"

Like I care.

I made my way back into the kitchen, where the house elves had just finished dishes.

"Thank you mistress Y/n for helping out today!"
I looked down at the elf that was standing at my feet.

"Of course Macy. Thank you for helping me" I smiled at her and she returned the gesture.

I took off to my room.
If you can even call it my room
It's more of a storage closet.
I layed down on my bed and drifted off to sleep.

2 months later

"Y/n! Get your lazy arse up you're going to make us late!" Pansy was practically screeching at my door.

I ignored her.
I layed awake in my bed staring at my ceiling smiling at the thought of finally going back to my real home.
To my real friends.

She yelled one last time. Before I heard her run down the hall yelling for mom.
It's like she can't do things herself. She always needs mom or dad.

I rubbed my eyes with my cold, dry hands and got out of bed to stretch.
I'm going to take my time whether they like it or not.
I have decided to give up trying to please them.
I wanted to wear a nice outfit so I could at least look good at school, if I can't at home.
I had grown over the summer and I was going to show it off.

Digging through my closet I found a nice shirt and some jeans.

I threw the outfit on and looked at myself in the mirror.

"Looking good today Y/n"
I ran my hands down my sides, admiring the curves I had grown to love.

I heard a loud bang on my door that startled me out of my trance.
Luckily I knew some spells to fix up my hair and get rid of my awful morning breath.
I grabbed my raggedy old case and walked to the door.

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