Chapter 1 (Hogwarts Express)

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"Ron! Harry! Hurry up you're gonna be late!" exclaimed Hermione as she was entering the train, waiting for the boys to come in.
"Sorry! We didn't mean to be late." Harry replied.
"Bloody hell Hermione we still have about 5 minutes before it leaves." Ron confirmed jokingly.
Hermione looked at him furiously, as if murder was on her mind, however she said nothing.
When they finally got on the train just seconds before it left, they were greeted by a friendly face, their friend Luna Lovegood. They found an empty private compartment and quickly found their seats, as Harry and Ron tucked away their bags in the cabinets above them.
They sat down, closing the door behind them and resting in silence until the trolley witch knocked on the door, waking Ron up.
"Anything from the trolley, dears?"
"I'll have one cauldron cake please." Luna answered.
"Three pumpkin pasties for me." Hermione said.
"Someone's a bit hungry." Ron muttered under his breath.
"Did you say something, Ron?" asked Hermione annoyedly.
"Hurry up, I haven't got all day!" exclaimed the trolley witch.
"We'll have a set of liquorice wands," Harry replied as he pulled out his pocket.
The trolley witch gave Harry a cauldron cake, three pumpkin pasties and some liquorice wands to hand out to the others.
He handed them out, leaving in his hands the pumpkin pasties he was supposed to give to Hermione. He put his hands out and locked eyes with Hermione, their hands touching, Hermione feeling butterflies in her stomach, she blushed and took the sweets. Harry turned to look away, however Luna noticed what was going on.
Three hours later, the train arrived to the train station, and they were welcomed by a familiar face.
"Hagrid!!" the golden trio rushed to him with excitement as if it had been the first time to ever see him.
"Ello there Harry, Hermione, Ron."
"Hello Hagrid!" the three exclaimed at once.
Luna had been just behind them, now with Neville and Ginny.
Ginny blushed as Harry greeted her and went to see Neville.
"Ready kids?" Hagrid asked the first-years.
"READY!" the new first-years shouted in excitement.
"Off we go then!" Hagrid yelled as they started their route to the boats in order to reach the castle.
A few hours later, the golden trio had arrived at Hogwarts for another school year and entered the Great Hall along with Neville Luna and Ginny.

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