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One more such cathartic account I remember,

That occurred sometime in December.

When Kabir , the cynosure of all his companions,

A musical prodigy and champion of champions ,

Fell prey to his sweet heart’s beautiful face,

At the cost of his honour, dignity and grace.

After almost a week he had come to school,

In his passion he had flouted every rule;

He had written sweet verses in her praise,

But she had ruthlessly decided to part ways;

Her cruel rejection he could not sustain,

His broken heart caused him immense pain.

Entering the class, in pulsating tension,

He found it profoundly difficult to mention,

His reason for bunking all his classes;

His eyes looked intense behind his glasses.

Things just hadn’t turned out the way he’d planned,

Now, the teacher’s comments he could no longer stand;

Infuriated by those lurid and caustic comments,

He guarded his wounded sentiments;

Muttering a curse he provoked the master,

The stormy scene headed for a disaster;

The teacher thrashed him black and blue,

Tempers flared and violence grew;

Some dare-devils in the class clapped;

With this , the heated tempers snapped.

The teacher took it in a stride,

manifesting his mature ego and pride!


However it sounds very contradictory, there are some defeats more  triumphant than victory”

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2012 ⏰

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