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Sitting against the window watching the condensation from my breaths disappear I take my eyes off of the backyard I've been watching for a while now to look around the room. I don't know how long I've been here or how long it has been since I awoke but I could see the sun begin to set. Rising from the beanbag I walked over to the door that resided on the left side of the room opposite of the bed. Opening the door I saw that it lead to a closet holding not only women's clothes but mens clothing as well. There was also another door which I assumed was connected to another room. Noticing a lock on the door I felt a little more safe knowing I would be able to lock it too. Picking a random pair of pants hanging I saw they were my exact measurements along with everything else on that side of the closet. Were they planning to take me all this time? Checking the corner of the closet for cameras there weren't any as the note promised. I walked around a little longer before finally taking notice to my grumbling stomach.

I don't remember how long it has been since I last ate but I did know I was hungry and outside of that door was a man who could potentially want to hurt me. No matter how nice he tried to portray himself. Tying the braids that guarded my face into a ponytail I paced a little trying to see what my next move would be. I could leave him a note asking him to leave some food outside but it could take ages for him to see it. Maybe yelling a little to get his attention? No that would just bring him closer to my room. I should probably just face him head on since I knew I would have to one day, but he could also hurt me. Glancing around I noticed a box cutter laying on the desk. A weapon of course! If he even tries hurting me I will stab his ass yes Khai good thinking! Tucking the weapon into the band of my leggings I carefully opened the door looking side to side before deciding it was safe to leave. Taking a deep breath I began my journey to the kitchen feeling the cold handle of the blade pressed against my skin.

Yoongi's pov

Hearing a knock against the front door I knew it was time for my next meal. This time hopefully being joined by the girl because I needed to learn more information on how she got here. Walking to the door I heard the dead bolts unlock before I stepped outside and collected our meal boxes. Both were hot and smelled delicious and I wondered what they had ordered for the girl. The people behind this seemed to know almost everything about us like our shoe size, interest, comfort foods and even our hair products. So It made me think of all the possibilities of who could be behind this, but I came to a dead end when she got here. Carrying the boxes to the island in the kitchen I was careful to set us a few seats away from each other, so she didn't she me as a predator again.

Sitting in my seat waiting for her to come I was surprised to see her slowly creep around the corner of the kitchen thinking maybe our kidnappers told her to come eat.
"I'm surprised you came, you seemed a little shaken up when you got here."

She eyed her spot at the island before replying back, "Well I n-need to eat so..."

Noticing how her body shook from possibly being in the same room as me I decided I needed to do something quick to calm her down so she wouldn't eat dinner in her room and ruin my chances of getting answers out of her.

Grabbing my food I made my way into the dining room sitting down facing her seat at the bar. "I figured you'd want to be as far away from me as possible so I'll sit in here and you right there?" I questioned pointing towards her spot at the island with her food sitting there slowly getting colder by the minute.

She shook her head yes before making her way over to her chair feeling her side before relaxing her shoulders a little which I assume is because I'm farther away from her.

Not wasting any time of getting answers I hopped into a conversation, "So I'm Min Yoongi and I was kidnapped a few days before you. I have no recollection on how I even passed out, and as much as I can guarantee your safety with me in the same house as you. I can't reassure you that the people that took us will always be so kind. I really think if we work together we could get out of here."

I paused a little to see her reaction which was almost blank before I continued, "In the journal it said things about more housemates right?"

She slowly but surely nodded her head not able to keep eye contact with me.

"Which means they will be kidnapped just like us. Is there anything you can remember about the last thing you were doing before you lost consciousness?"

I heard her take a deep breath before she spoke up, "I was on a bus on my way to Seattle from New York."

"A bus? Were you moving?"

"Yeah...something like that."

Noticing how she hesitated to answer I didn't push any further to refrain her from becoming uncomfortable. I realized if I was going to get her to cooperate with me to find a way out of here I'd have to get her to warm up to me.

"So you fell asleep on the bus and woke up here. Were there a lot of people on the bus?"

"No just a few people were on," she said making eye contact with me before lowering her head back down to her plate.

"Hmm weird."

We sat in silence just enjoying our food before she spoke up, "Where were you?"

Almost choking on my tea I set the can of Arizona down before I respond to her, "Actually umm I was in the mental hospital."

It was her turn to choke on her food.

Quickly I had to reassure her that it was nothing serious, "Not for anything bad! I have insomnia and the people around me felt like I needed hospitalization so they told some lie and there I was."

Seeing her face lose it's terrified expression she nodded and went back to eating.

After a few minutes I saw she finished her food, and stood up to collect all of her trash and throw it away. I watched as she was leaving the kitchen and I noticed how she seemed to linger a little as if she wanted to speak to me.

"Do you want to say something?"

Turning towards me I was barely able to hear the words coming out of her mouth but I was lucky enough to catch it on time.

"I'm Khai by the way."

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