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Y'all then cuddled then Kobe texted you

You didn't really want to take him but he never really saw him a lot you then shut off your phone and fell asleep

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You didn't really want to take him but he never really saw him a lot you then shut off your phone and fell asleep

The next day~
You woke up and did all your hygiene you then got Kayden a outfit ready for the day [skip] it's now 12:34 so you go to Kaydens room and woke him up and put on his outfit you then make his walffes and strawberries you then got his little bag and put snacks,his sippy cup,extra clothes,and some fruit

I gotta go somewhere rq
You said~

Ok we're you going
Vallyk said~

To Kobe's
You said~

Ok bye I love you
Vallyk said~

I love you too
You said~

You then put Kayden in the car and drove to Kobe's house

Mommy we're we going
Kayden said~

To your daddy's house
You said~

Kayden said~

At Kobe's house~
You then got out the car and knocked on the door and he answered and you went inside

Wsp Kayden
Kobe said~

Hi..mommy what was his name again
Kayden said~

Lol Kobe
You said~

Oh hi Kobe wait I thought it was daddy
Kayden said~

Lmaoo😂yes this is your dad
You said~

Oh well what are we doing here
Kayden said~

Your gonna hang out with me today
Kobe said~

Kayden said~
You then stayed there for like 10 more minutes then you left you then went to some other places too you then went back home

Hey baby
You said~

Hey princess
Vallyk said~
You then kissed him

5 minutes later

Damn I told Mike I'll come back I gotta go
You said~

Baby you just got here
Vallyk said~

Ik but I gotta go bye love you
You said~

You then drove to mike's house and knocked on the door

You said~

Mike said~

Soo are you excited for another baby
Mike said~

Yea ig
You said~
You then layed down on your back mike then started hovering over you

My boobs are sore😩
You said~

I can make your legs sore too😈
Mike said~

Micheal Adonis Chong move
You said~
You then lightly punched him in his balls

Owwww I was playing or not
Mike said~holding his nuts

Boi I got a whole boyfriend and 2 kids
You said~
You then stayed there for 1 more hour then you called Kobe


You~ima coming to pick up Kayden

Kobe~nooo he wants to stay

You~he doesn't even have clothes

Kobe~yes he does in his bag there was an outfit

You~let me talk to him

Kayden~hi mommy

You~hey bubbas Kobe said you wanted to stay do you?

Kayden~yea I like playing with the toys

You~oh ok well you can stay for 2 more days


You~Give the phone to Kobe

Kobe~So can he stay

You~yes he can stay for 2 days

Kobe~oh thx u really appreciate you for this

You~boy bye
Call ended***

So when's the gender reveal
Mike said~

Idk I still need to get checked on before we do that
You said~

Oh ok
Mike said~
Y'all then just talk about random stuff but it started getting dark outside so you left

At the house~
You then took a warm shower then got on your phone

30 minutes later vallyk came in with chick-fa-la

I want someee why didn't you get me some
You said~

Bc baby I didn't know you were coming back
Vallyk said~

Awww can I have some of your🥺?
You said~

Yes princess
Vallyk said~

After y'all got done you were getting tired so you put your head on vallyks chest and fell asleep

Sorry this chapter was short but what do y'all think they should have 1 baby/twins or triplets????

This about to be crazy

And I'm running out of ideas plz help😩

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