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"W-wait what" I stutter, his hand stops gripping my chin and softly caresses my cheek

"I love you Gabrielle" he softly tells me "Do you love me?" He asks looking into my eyes

"No, no I'm sorry I don't" I tell him honestly, his eyes go from a soft, caring glaze into angry, evil glare

"Why not?" He spits

"Because you are hellion, acrasia, morosis, furciferous, and tenebrose" I honestly tell him again, he grips my chin harshly again

"And is Draco not!" He shouts

"No, he's like snow"I tell him, he looks at me confused

"What-what snow?" He asks me furrowing his eyebrows

"Yeah he comes across all cold and mean but when you hold him close he's me,ty and he's warm,soft and caring" I look at his dreamily thinking of Draco

"Okay okay stop just stop" he lets go of my chin and grabs on to his head with both hands as if he's having a a really bad migraine "If the world thinks it can keep us apart, then it hasn't been paying attention because there is nothing" he places both hands on the armchair and leans into my face "Nothing I wouldn't do to be by your side" he tells me, I was terrified, we were breathing the same air and I started shaking again because I was terrified

"I want you to be mine" he tells me, his eyes looked like they were looking into my soul

"Fine...." I say looking down, I knew what I was doing and getting myself into, but I had a plan

"Wait what really?" He asks confused

"On one condition..." I say looking back up, holding back the tears

"And what is that?" He asks smirking

"You bring everyone's memory back.....EVERYONES!" I growl at him

"Okay okay Princess no need to shout" he says putting his handing up defensively

He unties and I rub all the rope burns, I pull my pocket mirror out my pocket and look at my reflection my eyes were red and puffy, there was mascara running down my face and their was a small mark were Adrian had been gripping my chin, it would probably leave a bruises

I grab my wand out of pocket and use it to wipe all the makeup off my face and calm down the irritation and redness on my face

I use my wand to clean all the blood of the back of my neck and head and to seal the cut, and then I use a spell to brush my hair so it looked presentable

I pull my skirt down a bit and straighten my shirt and robes

Adrian performs a spell, I m guessing it's to bring everyone's memory back

"The only problem princess is that they'll still remember everything that's happened whilst there memories were wiped" he whispers in my ear

So that means....

Draco's gonna remember being WITH Pansy......

What if he likes her more than me......

What I'd she's better in bed, highly doubt it though....

Will she still be my best friend.....

What about Daphne...

Are we still friends...

Are we back to enemies.....

He hooks arms with mine and a plaster on a fake smile as he leads me out of the dark mysterious room, once we step out of it I realise we're on the 7th floor so we must of been in the Room of Requirement

We are walking down the corridor back the normal floor when we encounter Snape

"What are you child wandering about the corridor at this time?" He asks us in his monotonous voice

"We just wanted to pick up a book for an assignment but they didn't have it" Adrian says and gives me a smile, I give him a fake mile and look at the floor awkwardly not because I was blushing it was because I was disappointed in myself, I could of easily got out of this situation another way rather having to be with this sociopath

"Anyway Ms Rose, Dumbledore would personally like t see you in his office" he tells me looking at me "Alone" he says sternly looking at Adrian, he dramatically swings his cape around him self and vanishes into the dark corridor

"Once your done comes back to my room not yours" he speaks sternly and leaves me in the corridor alone

I make my way through the halls until I get to his office

"Lemon Sherbet" I tell the giant eagle statue and it begins to move

I step on the first step so I don't have to walk up all the steps, Dumbledore tells us a new password every year after the first years are sorted at the first Great Feats  of the year

Last year it was Cauldron Cake and the year before that it was Liquorice Wands, I think he has a bit of a sweet tooth

Summer Romance - Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now