The Bet

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After another spitball to Logan's ugly face, I shouted in victory as he ran towards the wall and looked angrier than ever.

"I'm gonna find you, Louise, and when I do, you're gonna pay!" he yelled at my face.

"Oh, you'll never find me, Logan!" I shouted back," I'm hidden where you can't get to me without going into our house!"

"Is that so?" he gave me an evil grin through the small hole in the wall.

Damn it, I thought to myself. I practically gave up my hiding spot.

"Maybe, but you'll still never find me," I mocked him," In fact, I bet you won't be able to find me."

"A bet, huh? And what if I find you?"

"Then you can spit spitballs at me all you want. If you can't find me, then you leave here and never come back."

"Okay, deal," Logan squeezed his hand through the hole, and I shook it firmly," You better be ready, Four Ears, cause you're about to get spitballed for life."

"Oh, what was that, Logan? All I heard was bleh, bleh, bleh."

"You're in for it now, Louise!"

I didn't even get a chance to retaliate before I heard him rush out of the restaurant and into our apartment. I could hear him walking up the steps, and I kept as silent as possible.

"Come out, come out wherever you are," he chanted," You might as well come out now. Don't worry, I won't completely annihilate you. I'll just scar you for the rest of your life."

I gotta say, I was little bit nervous. I mean, he was a teenager with anger issues, and I'm still on the short side. I had no doubt he could pummel me to the ground, but I couldn't show him my fear.

"I'm over here, Logan," I taunted through the walls. I quickly moved around the place and called from a different room to throw him off," Nope, over here, dumb butt."

"I'm not a dumb butt. You're a dumb butt for giving up your position!" he yelled back in frustration. I could tell I was pissing him off, but I didn't care. There was no way he was ever going to find me.

I decided to keep quiet while Logan continued to snoop out the place. I could hear him rummaging in every room, and with all his grunts and shouts of annoyance, I knew he was reaching his anger limits. He was getting close to a breaking point, so I decided to make things even more frustrating for him. I made my way back to the ladder to get out of the crawl space and into the attic. Once I got back into the house, I yelled back down to Logan.

"Oh, Logan. Poor, innocent, stupid, Logan," I insulted him," I suppose you'll be giving up soon, and I'll never have to see your idiot face ever again."

"That's where you're wrong, Four Ears," he yelled back, a little too close for my liking," I'm never giving up. I will wait here day and night cause eventually, you'll have to eat or use the bathroom, and I'll be ready to catch you. Do you hear me, Louise? I'm not leaving!"

Suddenly, I felt something hit the floorboard below me, and I shouted in a panic. I quickly tried to muffle my shout, but it was too late. He found me.

"I knew it!" I heard him shout in delight," Just you wait. Once I find a ladder, you're dead meat."

Crap, I thought. Now he knew where I was! It was only a matter of time before he found the ladder in the hallway closet. I had to think fast or I was gonna lose the bet. I decided to shove some boxes on top of the attic door, hoping Logan wasn't nearly strong enough to push through that. Yeah, that'll work.

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