School pt1😳💭😭

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Alanas POV
I was laying down on my bed it just had turn 6:00 in the morning I was really nervous because it was almost time for me to get ready for school I was scrolling through tiktok when I seen this one girl on my fyp she was pretty it looked like she was with a groups of friends she put there @ in the caption and also had a show and spam accounts they were really funny so I followed all of them cause why not


A/n: those are the accounts that you follow

•skip to when it's time to get ready for school•

Nobody's POV
You wake Lila up because your had to go on a Business trip

Alana: hey Lila wake it's the first day of school and you don't wanna be late especially on the first day of school !

Lila: *groans* UGHH FINE !!

Nobody's POV
You guys get dress then go down stairs to make breakfast Alana makes pancakes for breakfast
Then you get in the car and drop Lila off at her school because she's in 7th and your in 10th

Lila: bye have a good first day!!

Alana:you too see ya later!!

Alanas POV
I walked into my school building and went to the principal ms office to get my schedule

Principal parry: Hii you must be Alana our new student!

Alana: yeah that's me *slighty laughs*

Principal parry: here goes your schedule and have a great first day!

Alana: thank you bye

Alanas POV
As I was walking I saw vinni who was talking to a girl when I asked to him she gave me kinda a stink look there was other girl there to

A/n: so basically you see a girl who is kinda gonna be your bully for sometime

A/n: so basically you see a girl who is kinda gonna be your bully for sometime

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That's her^^^ (I love my girl Madison beer🤍)

Alana: hey vinni !

Vinni: h-hey Alana

Madison: who's this *she's says with a stink face*

Vinni: oh it's no one *he says walking away with her*

Alanas thoughts 💭•••
Wow he really just ditched me for her DONT get me wrong she's very gorgeous but that was really embarrassing for me

*skip to lunch*

Alanas POV
I really don't like eating lunch so I wait to eat till dinner I know it's wrong but I hate eating in front of a bunch of people I look around and see vinni I wave but he doesn't wave back
"Hey vinni" he just rolls his eyes

Alana: vinni what's wrong??

Vinni:Alana can you just go away I don't want to talk

Madison:if he says go away the go the fuck away gosh!

Alana: what did I do wrong? *I said trying not to cry*

Madison: if you don't go away then I'll handle you myself please just leave he clearly doesn't want to see you!

Alanas POV
When she said that I was really hurt and I was really hurt about what he said I'm really sensitive as you can tell I was to the back of the school and sit on the bench I see a boy with blond hair white t-shirt and baggy jeans Then he walks up to me

???:hey are you ok you seem kinda down?

Alana:yeah I'm fine it's just my friend he said some stuff that hurt me and his friend really just ruined my day

???:let me guess her name was Madison?

Alana: yeah how'd you know?

???:she's always rude I don't know why tho

???: and let me guess the boy you was friends with was vinni??

Alana: yeah

???: yeah I wouldn't be friends with him if I was you he isn't really nice if you get to know him

Alana: oh thanks i guess

???: we would be good friends what's your name ??

Alana: oh my name is Alana, Alana Philips what's your name

???: my name is...

A/n: CLIFFHANGER BEECH!🤍👹 who do you think it is??😗 I probably won't update till Friday or Saturday because school is kicking my butt like always 😕

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A/n: CLIFFHANGER BEECH!🤍👹 who do you think it is??😗 I probably won't update till Friday or Saturday because school is kicking my butt like always 😕

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