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"Remus, I'm cold." Leta complained even though she was under all of the blankets on James's bed. "Here." He said, throwing her a spare blanket which she instantly wrapped around her shoulders.

James and Sirius then walked in from whatever they were doing. She lifted up the blanket up for a second to let James slip under so she could cuddle into him for warmth.

Leta was now sat between James's legs with her head resting on her chest. Sirius has riled James up about Quidditch and he was basically shouting in her ear. "Be quiet, I can't even hear myself losing the will to live." She complained which made James apologise and kiss her temple.

Leta huffed she picked up a book she had kept at James's bedside for when she was there. "Have you read this? She looked up to see James shake his head.

"It's the idea that centaurs are-"

"Why are centaurs?" Sirius asked with a smug face as he knew what they were but wanted to annoy her.

"As I was saying-"

"Aren't they like part octopus?"

"You interrupted my reading once more and this book will become a lethal weapon." She threatened which only made Sirius smirk even more.

"But what are- Ahhh!" Leta pulled her arm back and hit Sirius in the stomach making him topple backwards in pain. "You would be a good chaser." James said in her ear.

"I'll be honest with you, I was aiming for his leg."

Leta sat in Potions class which was the only one she could relax in. Leta was almost the best student in the class and she could successfully make many difficult potions.

She stood up as she mixed the glowing liquid in her black cauldron with a spoon when there was a loud bang.

The whole class looked over to see Sirius standing still and staring at the cauldron he had knocked, watching as the potion traveled a round the floor.

"I would call you an imbecile but that'd be cruel as you wouldn't know how to spell it." Leta smirked which made Sirius scowl at her before James hit his arm.

He then mouth the words 'you're lucky' which made her snicker. "I can spell it. I-M-B-E-S-E-A-L." The whole classroom bursted out into laughter. Leta was laughing so hard that she was practically snorting which James thought was adorable but Sirius thought she sounded like a dying pig.

Leta was sat with Marlene late at night in the Gryffindor common room. She would of gone to the Slytherin common room more often but they were more stricter with other houses coming in.

It was very late so everyone was passed out, Marlene had to sneak out of her room to sit with Leta. "How is you and James going?" Marlene asked, lifting a cup of coffee to her lips since she hated tea with a burning passion.

"I think we are going really well I just hope he didn't second guess us again." She sighed, putting her feet up on the armchair she sat on.
"But what would you do if your parents caught you?" Leta knew Marlene meant no harm and was genuinely interested so she opened her mouth.

"Well I- I know that day will come but-but." She began to stutter as her eyes became glassy and her cheeks became crimson. Her dark eyes went blood-shot and her lip began to tremble.
"Oh Leta." Marlene said, hurrying over to the Slytherin girl.

She rubbed her back to comfort her as she shushed her. "Is okay, you don't need to answer me." She quietly said to her in a comforting voice.

"Hey love- what's wrong?" James asked, walking into the common room and rushing to Leta when he saw her red eyes.

He kneeled on the ground in front of her and took her hands, running his thumb along the top of them. "What's wrong?" He asked her, pushing hair from her face which stuck to her wet cheeks.

She flung herself off the seat and into James's arm, wrapping her arms around his neck and sobbing into his shoulder. "Ja-James." She stuttered, her words muffled as she dug her face into his shoulder. "Yes love." He replied, his hand on the back of her head.

"Promise you will never leave me." Leta gripped onto his shirt as she buried her face into his chest. His hands were under her legs to pull her closer so he felt her chest move up and down with each gasp she took.

"I promise." He replied, kissing the top of her head which made her sniff up. "I love you so much." He added which made her look up. "As much as Winnie the Pooh loves honey?"

"Even more." He said which made them both smile as they looked into each other's eyes. "Wow. That's a lot." She laughed before she pressed her lips against his.

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