Christmas on a Bus (Life's Direction Christmas One-Shot)

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“Are we gonna get to the hotel yet?” 12 year old Jesse Styles asked me. “I need a plug for my phone, the girls took the only ones to power their computers so they can watch Doctor Who, again.” he added. 

“Hopefully if traffic lets up we can be there in an hour. I’m sure you and Matt can live without texting each other for an hour.” I replied as I folded Harry’s laundry, seeing s he was to lazy to do it himself. 

“Don’t be so sure of that…” he said going back into the entertainment room. I scoffed as I rolled my eyes at him and I felt to arms wrap around my waist. 

“Did I ever tell you that your amazing?” Harry asked in my ear, kissing my cheek. 

“Every time I do your laundry, cook your food, replace your shampoo… Just to name a few.” I said to him, turning around to face him. He laughed as I talked and pulled me in for a short kiss, which as always was interrupted. 

“Mom! Dad! Come quick!” Darcy yelled. Of course, Harry and I thinking somebody was hurt, we ran into the entertainment room. It wasn’t that at all, but it was something that made us all depressed. 

“Roads are closed due to the impending snow storm. Drivers will not be able to get into New York until the morning. Drivers are advised to stop at a rest area and stay there until the roads clear out.” the news anchor said. Harry swore as he ran out of the room and Natalie started to get teary eyed. Anne and Gemma were hopefully in New York City waiting for us to arrive so we could spend Christmas together with them, and Natalie had been looking forward to it. I took a step to go comfort her, but Jesse beat me to it and was already cradling her in his arms to make her feel better. My phone started to ring and Danielle’s name was on it. 

“Did you hear?” I asked her as I picked up. 

“Yeah, I did. I can’t believe it! We’ll just have to live with it. We’re all stopping on the side of the road now at the same place.” she said. 

“We have to try something. Natalie is in tears right now because of this.” I said quietly. 

“Alright, I’ll text the girls. We’ll meet up in my bus, alright?” she asked. 

“Sounds good, i’ll see you later.” I said to her. She hung up shortly after and I went to sit next to Natalie and Jesse. “Hey, look at me.” I said. She looked up at me slowly. “We’re gonna make Christmas happen, okay?” I said to her, she nodded as she rested her head on Jesse’s shoulder gently. I kissed her forehead as I went off to try and find Harry. It wasn’t to hard to find him, he was on the phone in our room. He threw the phone down on the ground as soon as I walked into the room and put his hands in his hair frustratingly. I sat down next to him and rested my head on his shoulder. 

“They’re stuck in London. The plane couldn’t leave because of the snow.” he said sadly. He took me again by the waist and laid me down next to him on the bed. “Everything is falling to shit right now. Natalie’s crying her eyes out and my family is in England.” he said. I leaned over and pecked his lips softly, leaning over him. “Tell me its gonna be okay.” he mumbled. 

“It will be. Just trust me.” I said to him, kissing him again. The bus came to a stop and I got my jacket on. “I’ll be back later… maybe.” I said to him. He nodded as he got up to go into the entertainment room to sit with the kids as I made my way over to Danielle’s bus. I knocked and walked in, the bus being unusually quiet. “Dani?” I shouted. 

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