Im sorry

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   Flaky walked out of the building her breath being a little faster than usual. She grabbed the metal railings of the deck, taking a deep breath. She would have never come to this wedding but the groom and wife were her good friends so she couldn't exactly say no. Petunia and handy were a good couple and flaky was happy for them, it's just too crowded for her liking. She needed to take a breather. She went to take a seat at the bench right next to her. When she sat down she notice something right next to her. It was flippy's beret Flippy was her acquaintance, only knowing him through shared friends. She didn't know much about him other than him being a former military man and now librarian. Flaky had to admit she was pretty scared of him. He was shorter than anticipated but could still had some muscle in him. She didn't want to be scared of him, she knew he was a nice man but she just couldn't help it. Ever since her last boyfriend she has been scared of big men. Men who could easily overpower her. She looked at the hat curiously. She never really looked at it much. It was green  with some type of military logo on it, Flaky wasn't sure.  flaky grabbed it. She really needed something to fiddle with. She started to think about Flippy. She should really start to get to know him better since he was in the same group of friends. Without thinking she got up but stopped. Even though everyone said such good stuff about him she was still petrified. Why was she like this. Why. She walked to the railing, still holding the beret. She felt tears starting to well up in her eyes. Why could she be normal. What was wrong with her. Tears started to drop In the cold dark water below her.  No wonder nobody liked her. "Hey" a voice came from behind. Flaky jumped, the beret slipping from her hands. She quickly pushed herself on top of the railing in a attempt to catch it but a hand grabbed her and pulled her back to the ground. She watched as the beret fell into the water. "Oh no ! " said Flaky as more tears started to form. She turned towards the voice "I'm so-" she paused. It was former soldier Flippy. Flaky was now terrified. she had now lost his beret,  A prized position of his something that represented him. "I-I-I'msosorryIdidn'tmeantoloseyour-" before she could finish her sentence Flippy interrupted. "It's fine! are your ok ?" Flippy had a look of concern on his face. Flaky hesitated before answering "y-yes". Flippy removed his hand "ok that's good". They both awkwardly just stared at the floor. Flaky wanted to run away but she needed to build up the courage to say sorry again since it was interrupted. "I'm sorry about your hat" Flaky sniffed. Flippy now noticing her tear "hey it's ok I can get it back and if I don't I can get a new one" he then rested a hand on her shoulder "don't be upset it's just a hat". Flaky looked up at him. That seems to calm her down a little. Flippy panicked, now that she was up close to her he could see how pretty she was. "Um..Flaky right? I'm Flippy". Flaky gave a small smile and nodded her head a little. "Hehe um I like your dress" Flaky was wearing a plain purple dress with spaghetti straps. "O-oh thank y-you" Flaky said nervously,looking down at her dress. Flippy went to sit down in the bench patting the space next to him. Flaky didn't really want to but sat down anyways to not be rude and she felt like she owed him. Whipping dried tears away she said "so uh you're a uh l-librarian right ?". Flippy turned his head to look at her "yes, it's quite peaceful" Flippy continued "its kinda perfect for me since I don't really like loud things". He looked back at the resection "that's actually why I came out here, they were pulling out the confetti poppers". Flaky also looked back "o-oh well that makes s-sense". They went back to silence until Flippy asked "so what do you do ?". "Oh um I work a-at a g-grocery store" Flaky answered, laughing awkwardly. Compared to librarian it wasn't the best of jobs. "Oh..that's cool" Flippy said not knowing what else to say. It's not like he didn't respect the job but what more could you say about it. "Um what do you do there ?" Flippy asked, trying to keep the conversation going. "I s-stock shelves" Flaky said wanting to run from the awkwardness of the situation. Flippy didn't know what to say. He didn't want to leave. He just wanted to know Flaky more. "What do you like to do ? " Flippy finally said. "Uh I uh i l-like baseball". Flippy perked up by this "oh really ! ". Flaky was kinda taken aback by this " yea I h-haven't played t-though but I would l-like to learn". "Oh well I used to play when I was a teen" Flippy looked bashful "I uh may be a little rusty but maybe one day I can show you how". Flaky looked up at him. She realized he may not be as bad as she thought. Before she could say a word someone called "FLIPPY!" Flaky looked behind to see cuddles. "Yea ?" Flippy responded. "We need you here for a little bit" cuddles pointed to the back of him. Flippy looked back at Flaky "I need to go sorry but we can talk later" he gave a sweet smile. "O-ok" Flaky responded watching as he stood and started to walk away. She looked back at her feet, she still felt bad about the beret. She then looked at the water from the bench view. Can she still find it ? 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2021 ⏰

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