Chapter 1

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Ava wake up!"
"Im already up, Mum." I rolled out of bed and went to my wardrobe. I put on my uniform. 
"Why wont it zip up!?" "Ugh wtf am i supposed to do now?"
"What's up?" my mum asked.
"My school uniform doesnt fit anymore!"
"Well i think i have some spare Year 11 uniforms in my wardrobe."
I followed my mum into her bedroom. " There u go."
She passed the uniform to me. "Thx." i walked to my room, locked the door and got changed.
"No makeup today ay?" my brother asked sarcastically. I slapped him. He ran downstairs with a grin as if he had done something. I still believe to this day that its my dads fault he's so smug in everything he does. Why? Because, my dad is coach of the rugby team and tbh idk what he tells them but either way it cant be good.  "Ava!" my mum called from the car
"Coming!!" i ran downstairs to see my dad in the drivers seat, my preganant mother, and my idiotic brother. I hopped in the back seat and chucked my bag in the middle seat. 5 minutes later my dad said "Right, we're 'ere" Its annoying that im always there first. All because of my mum being the headteacher. My dad being the p.e teacher and my popular brother. And then theres me, the average Ava. After hours of just scrolling through insta. The students started coming in. I leaped out of my seat to go find my 2 favourite people in the world. My bsf, Sophie. And bf Cory. First i found Cory, so i ran into his arms and gave him a kiss. "Morning babe."
"Mornin" he said whilst holding me in his arms. "Ay, isnt that Sophie?"
"Yes it is!" i said looking back at Sophie and then looking back at Cory. "Love u!" i said giving him one last quick kiss. He chuckled and jogged to catch up with his mates. "Heyy." Sophie said.
"Hey girl u looking gorgg."
"Why, thank u." she said bowing like royalty. I laughed.
"I think we should get to class." she agreed and still giggling we walked to class.
"Shit!" she muttered.
"What's up?" i asked.
"I forgot my English book."
"Ok and?"
"I aint getting another detention this week!"
"Alright, i know what to do. Stay here"
I walked into class and went straight to Miss Keane's desk.
"Can i help u Ava?" she asked.
"Yea, so-" i gave Sophie the signal. She snook in and quietly sat at her desk.
"Ok thx Miss." i said and walked to my desk.
"Thx." Sophie muttered to me from her desk.
"No prob girl any time." i replied and turned away to face the front of the class not like i was paying attention or owt.
"Ava Carter plz come to my office immediately!" echoed the speaker. The whole class turned to me, so to save myself from embarrassment i picked up my bag and headed out immediately!

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