(chapter 2) shifting Part 2

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When Max woke up like i said he doesn't really care unless he has a toothbrush. After he got  ready again he went outside and this time was greeted by his favorite anime character Bakugo from My Hero Academia.

Bakugo: so i have to say some rules and if you interrupt me i'll kill you ok here are the rules one rule is if you die here you won't be able to back to your univers, the final rule is the place you shifted here from you have to go back to that spot or you will stay here forever. Also you have two thing's make fun of Deku or fight some villeins.

Max: well then making fun of Deku it is.

Bakugo: oi extra I forgot to remind you, you only have one day here.

Max: yeah and now then shall we make fun of Deku

Bakugo and Max found deku and where making fun of him until of course Iida arrived

Iida: really Bakugo you never stop do you

Bakugo: oi i didn't choose this extra did

Max: you told me either make fun of deku or fight villains but if i fight villains i will die 

Iida: of course you'll make that a two way option Bakugo

after that Deku forgave Max and they all had fun they went to a carnival and Max meet everyone from 1-A he looked at there dorms and they all had a bunch of fun

Max: Bakugo do you know if I'm going to teleported back home or am i going to be at another anime place with my favorite character in there greeting me.

Bakugo :i don't know extra we had a person that had a quirk to tell the future and told us some guy was going to shift here and will only be here for a day.

Max: well i should get going bye guy's.

Everyone: bye.

max went back to where he teleported form and was started to get worded because of the two places he teleported to had scary stuff and that this time he would choose something scary.

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