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Class 1-a looks around the place they suddenly appeared.

"Where are we!! " asked the ash blond hair student,
"Hello, " a cherry voice says.

Students step back on instincts and the teacher looked around trying to find the owner of the voice.

A giggle.

"Calm down I don't wish to harm you," the young girl stepped from the shadows "I simply have request, "

"why should we listen to you? " aizawa asked baffled.
Her blue hair fell to the side as she tilted her head.  She gave neither answer nor sign that she heard him but simply waved her hand in the air,  lights turned on from seemingly no where.

Gasps were heard and heads began to turn as if seeing the place for the first time.

"This," she opened her have moving it to show the red lavish looking chairs and a enormous screen and beside them a hallway that when you looked you couldn't see the end "Is the center of the multiverse, "

Words such as those were heard among the crowd

The green eyed girl smiled, clasped her hands and said  "Now, my request,"


After the girl,  who introduced her self as Amy, sent them to their seats she spoke her request "I simply want for you to answer these questions,"

"............. "

"That's all?" Mina asked from the second row her eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "Mhmmmm... "

"Okay we can do that," Izuku said from the first row,  while Kamanari who was beside him nodded.


Well you heard them

Simply write your questions here 👉 and I will post and they will answer them if you have questions for me I will do my best to answer


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