Laurence Zvahl

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Laurence can be quite blunt, and because of that he made my sweetheart get very sad.

He made my flower wilt.

My flower is very delicate and precious, I refuse to tolerate my love's sadness going unnoticed.

I knew I could convince everyone that he couldn't deal with everyone getting hurt.

So I secretly initiated an argument between Garroth and Laurence.

Later that night all I had to do was sneak into his room and choke him to death with a rope we had in the shed.

It was quite violent and there was much struggle but I managed.

I then hung him from the ceiling and placed the note I had printed earlier that day under him.

I knew I couldn't write the note or someone would notice it was my hand writing.

My flower is catching on, I will not kill anyone anytime soon.

Laurence Zvahl was feeble minded

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