Last Fight

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Flashback (Niall is 15 and Cyrus is 18)

(Cyrus' P.O.V.)

I handed my little brother my favorite necklace before I ran out the door with my duffle bag. I couldn't help but feel bad for what just happened between Greg and I...though, in my defense, he deserved every punch I threw at him. Before I wouldn've gotten carried away into kiling him, luckily Niall stopped me. I know Greg deserved to be hit and punched but, I would've regretted killing him because, after all, he is still my brother no matter what nonsense comes out of the deadly weapon of his tounge.

I ran without stopping through the streets and swiftly amongst the rain that began to fall. I ran and ran until I made it to a small, run down building completely soaked from the rain. I shook my head and tried to dry my hair a little bit before I walked towards my changing room. It had my name engraved on its door frame and I smiled every time I saw it. It made me feel at home and like I was doing something right. Hopefully I was right? Anyway, I opened the door and made my way inside before closing the door behind me and locking it. I threw my duffle bag down on the floor then pulled my shirt off over my head. I tossed my shirt in a corner and then began to dig through my duffle bag for my shorts and wrapping tape.

Once I found them, I put on my shorts and began to wrap my knuckles with wrapping tape. I sat on a stool in front of the dresser in my room and continued to wrap my knuckles as I stared at the photo of my brothers that I had framed and put in my changing room. I look at it before every fight to remind me of exactly who I was fighting for. Seeing the sweet smile on Niall's face during this photo helps me get through the day and the way Greg stood in the photo made me fight want to fight harder every match just to be able to prove him wrong.

I heard a knock at my door so, I stood up and went to answer it. It was the referee and he said,

"You're on in 5."

I nodded and then closed the door again. I closed my eyes and got down on one knee before I said,

"Hold on. Be strong. Remember what you're fighting for. Better to fight for something than to live for nothing."
I said those words before every fight and I even taught Niall the words as well. It was like a last minute talk of encouragement with myself.

I then opened the door and walked through the halls towards the fighting arena. I could feel the bass of the music pounding loudly through the walls and I could hear screams from the audience. I finally made it to the arena and I caught a glimpse of everyone who had come to watch.

I walked up to the rink and I stared at my opponent with ice cold eyes. It was a guy much taller than me and he looked somewhat like Greg. It shouldn't be hard for me to hit him. Once a bell rang 3 times, he charged at me and I gave him a swift hard punch in the nose. He stumbled back and now had blood running down his face. He growled and spit on the floor before putting his hands up as a threat to hit me. I smirked and he didn't like that. He came at me much more aggressive than before and he tackled me to the floor. We pinched and punched each other while on the ground and at one point, he actually got a good hit in. He knocked me on the side of the head and my vision spun around and around.

I couldn't see straight anymore and he took that as an opportunity to hit me over and over again. I had blood running down my face and the metallic taste made its way to my mouth. He got up and kicked me multiple times in the ribs until I heard a crack or two that made me scream in pain. The referee pulled him off of me and some medics came to aid almost immediately.

I couldn't breath very well now and I found it difficult to keep my eyes open. The medics kept speaking to me as if I could hear them but, I could only hear the slowing of my heart and the voice of my little brother in my head that said,

"till the very last fight...till the very last fight...till the very last fight...."

And I still remember that conversation. It was the day I won the trophy for my brother to see and I said to him,

"This trophy belongs to the both of us. We're in this together right?"

Then he said,

"Yep, 'till the very last fight."

As I replayed the memory in my head, I couldn't help but smile at it. I took one last breath and then closed my eyes. I hoped and prayed that Niall would forgive me for not coming home tonight. I hoped and prayed that he would always fight for something. Anything at all. Maybe even me. Heck, hopefully he'll fight for himself.

I'll still be with him either way. In every punch, I'll help him hit.

Long time since I've updated but, I hope u all are enjoying this book! It's a little different so, I hope those of u who are reading it are liking it!

Also, shoutout to @bella369 for getting me back onto this story! ;)

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