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"Okay, it started when I was in my 3rd year of middle school. Almost the end of the year and close to graduation, so we were doing some play for some reason I don't know..."

I stood next to my peers in a small classroom as the drama teacher handed out new scripts for "the annual play". When I got mine, I quickly scanned through the script and just closed it, I was probably just be apart of the stage crew, "Makki! Since we're third years we get to do a romance play! Isn't that amazing?!"
Oikawa expressed, making weird hand signs, "I guess, for you," I responded.

Even though I usually decided to join the stage crew since I was good with props and art, I auditioned because Oikawa was scared to do it alone, despite being an amazing actor.

Today was the day they decided the roles. The new drama teacher, Mrs. Takahashi, got onto a small platform, "Okay class! I'll be deciding the roles for the play! Can I have your attention please?" she announced and we all put our eyes on her. "Good! So, for the lead roles we have," She began and Oikawa's eyes lit up, "Hanamaki and Matsukawa!". Oikawa's expression completely changed and so did mine. How did I get the LEAD role? What kind of bull was this?

Plus Matsuakwa?? Did he even audition? Plus he's like a total trouble maker there is no way I was gonna practice with that idiot. "Oikawa I'm sorry-" I began to apologize but he smiled at me, making me stop, "It's okay. You get your time to shine!" he told me and looked back down at the script.

"For the king and queen, we have Oikawa is the king and Himari is the queen, then as king two and queen two we have Iwaizumi has king two and Ichiaka as queen two" Mrs. Takahashi continued.

"See! I got the main King! That's still an amazing role!" Oikawa told me, his eyes lighting up once again. He was so optimistic, he really did deserve the lead role.


Soon, Mrs. Takahashi had finished announcing the roles and everyone went into their groups. I walked over to the stage crew group who seemed kinda gloomy. "I'm so sorry guys, I didn't want to be apart of the play-" I began to tell them, but they smile at me, just like Oikawa. "It's fine Makki! Plus with your help and skills from last year, we totally improved!" Benjiro, a short blonde boy, said to me with a smile. "Y-yeah! Plus, you deserve a chance on the stage. It is our last year here, right?" Sara, a tall brunette girl, told me. I hug them tightly.

Though I could ask the teacher to take me out of the play, If my parents found out I got something this big and dropped it, they wouldn't forgive me. "Just ask me if you need any help, Okay?" I tell them and they nod in response.

I walk away from the group and headed towards Matsukawa, who was chilling on a small desk chair by the window.

"Uhm- hey?" I vocalized and he looked at me, "Hey." he responded. There were a couple seconds of silence and right when I was about to say something he goes, "Just so you know, I don't wanna do this play. Only auditioned so my folks would get off my ass,". I nodded, "Guess we're on the same page then," I told him and took a seat in the chair in front of him.

"Plus, there's a kiss scene, and I'm totally not doing that," He says, and I went into complete shock, "Kiss?! What the fu-" I began before I catched myself. "Yeah, you didn't read the script?" He asks with a smirk, "No? I usually go into stage crew I never read this shit." I responded. He chuckles, "Guess we're gonna have an issue then,".

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