Scarlett Johansson

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*Scarlett POV:*

I was on set of the Avengers: Age of Ultron when I see Y/N walk by in a formal suit with sunglasses on, as she's walking by she sees me and stops "Morning SJ" she says with no cheesy pick up line like she usually gives while trying to get with me. Y/N is known  to be a bit of a womanizer, she likes to get in peoples pants use them and leave, which is why I never give her the time of day when she flirts. If I'm being honest, I do have a crush on her but I'm not willing to give in just for her to use me and toss me aside. "Morning Y/N/N, no cheesy pick up line?" I ask. "Not today Scarlett." She says to me with just a hint of sadness, I also notice that she didn't call me by a pet name like she usually does which makes me wonder if everything is okay, but I know if I ask she'll just tell me 'I'm fine' and change the subject. 

A few minutes pass and we're in a conversation she doesn't flirt, she's hardly even talking, but she's talking but I also notice that she doesn't take off her sunglasses. I push that thought to the side as Robert Downey Junior comes up to us, but as he approaches he cuts himself off once he sees Y/N. "Y/N!? What are you doing here? Isn't it your day off given what day it is?" He asks shocked, which makes me a tad bit confused because it just a normal Tuesday. "Hey R, yeah I did request today off but they scheduled a business meeting this morning, then I got a call that I was needed for filming and I didn't want to difficult so I just came in." I then see Robert get angry which makes me even more confused because I don't know what's going on apparently Y/N see's it too, because she get's to work on calming him down. "Hey, Robert it's okay calm down for me, it's not that big a deal." Y/N says which was apparently not the right thing to say because then Robert explodes "Not a big deal! How is this not a big deal, You never take time off except for one day a year! ONE DAY AND THEY CAN'T EVEN RESPECT THAT!" He yells making both me and Y/N flinch because he never once raised his voice.

As Y/N goes to respond she takes off her sunglasses revealing her bloodshot eyes like she's been crying which makes me even more worried about her. "You think I wanna be here today." Y/N's voice waivers making whatever words Downey was about to say die down in his throat.  "You're right, all I ask for is one day a year. I don't wanna be anywhere but at home, but I have a company to run and we have a movie to shoot and I don't want to be difficult so I come to work the one day I don't want to and do what I have to do because that's my job. Now if you'll excuse me I need some air." Y/N says and walks out. As Y/N walks out I turn to Downey with an eyebrow raised. "What was that about Downey?" I ask. He looks at me then looks down at the floor. "Robert... What was that about??" He finally looks up at me "Today's a rough day for Y/N, it's not my place to tell you why because I made a promise to Y/N, all I'm gonna say is don't pressure her about talking about it." As Robert says this a producer comes up, "Hey has anyone seen Y/N she's needed in hair and make-up." The producer says. As Robert goes to respond Y/N walks back in, "I'm right here, and I'll start heading there right now." And just as quickly as Y/N enters Y/n leaves  to H&M. 

Time skip

After work I'm sitting at home watching TV when I get a call from Robert, I pause the show I'm watching and answer "Hey Robert what's up?" I ask "Hey, um are you busy right now?" He asks. "No not really, why?" I question. "I was wondering if you would be willing to pick up some food and check-up on Y/N? Y/N's not answering her phone, and I'm worried it could be nothing but I just want to be sure. You can totally say no though." I laugh as Robert becomes a tad bit shy. "Of course I can. It's no problem" I say "Ok cool, I'll text you what she usually gets, and when you get to the gate the passcode is 743291." "Ok I've got it." After I got ready and went and got everything I needed. After letting myself in I walk up to the door and use the key she had hidden. I walk in and I hear a piano, moving closer I walk into Y/N music room seeing her at the piano playing a song I haven't heard. I stand by the door just watching for a bit it's not everyday you get to see and hear sing. We get to a part and she starts to cry. "I'm Mr. Loverman, and I miss my loverman."  She stops singing and start to sob but she covers her mouth with her hand like she doesn't want anyone to hear. "What are you doing here Scarlett?" She asks catching me off-guard. How'd she know I was here? "I could feel you staring at me?" She answers like she was reading my mind. "I brought dinner, RDJ said you weren't answering." She finally turns to look at me and she looks sad. "Thanks. Um do you wanna stay, we could watch a movie?" She asks a bit hesitantly. "I'd love too." I say with a smile. "Ok follow me." She says. I follow her as we walk into the living room. "You can pick what we watch." She says.

Your POV

As Scarlett and I eat I start to think two years ago today I lost my wife and daughter in a car crash, the only person who knew I was married or had a kid was RDJ which is why he was the way he was earlier. I'm brought back into my thoughts by Scarlett waving her hand in my face. "Hm sorry?" I said. "I asked if you're okay, you seem different today?" Oh shit.. "Um yeah today is a bit of a rough day for me." I say. "Do you wanna talk about it." Do I, I wouldn't want to burden her with it. "Are you sure, I wouldn't want to be a burden." "You aren't, not to me." "Ok, something you don't know about me was that I was married. I had a wife and a kid. I met my wife seven years ago


I walked into a cafe and sat down at the table next to her I had been meeting someone I was supposed to go on a date on, I got stood up. I had already had a rough day and wanted to cancel but thought that it would be unfair so I went. I waited an hour and the girl didn't show up, during that hour people kept coming up asking if the chair in front of me was taken and I kept saying yes, expecting someone to show up.  I guess after an hour she got tired of people asking me because she ordered two coffees picked up her stuff and sat right in front of me, set my coffee down in front of me and kept working. I was so confused, but at the same time so intrigued. The first words to come out of her mouth was 'take a picture it'll last longer' afterwards she set her work aside and we started talking, she was smart, and funny, and breathtaking, it was a bit overwhelming, but after we started talking we hit it off and I asked her on one date. One date turned into two, two turned into three and so on and so forth until I asked her to be my girlfriend and  from there on we were perfect, we had a kid and she was amazing she looked just like her. One day she and our daughter were on our way to surprise when they got hit by a drunk driver, my daughter died onsite, and my wife was taken to the hospital where she died too. That was two years ago today." I say with tears in my eyes as I look up at Scarlett, she has tears streaming down her face as she pulls me into a hug. "I try not to love anymore but it seems you have wormed your way into my heart but I'm scared, I'm scared to love you and lose you and if you don't feel the same that's fine it's Ok but I need you to know I'm so in love with you it hurts, and if you don't fe-" The rest of my voice is cut off buy Scarlett's lips on mine as she pulls away she says "I love you too and I will always love you." I grin and kiss her again. 

As Y/N and Scarlett cuddle up and watch movies, as Y/N starts to feel at peace, her wife and child say their final goodbyes. "Will mommy be okay momma?" Y/D/N asks. "Yes she will, come on lets go find peace." Y/W/N says knowing that Y/N will be okay with Scarlett.  "Will we ever see her again?" Y/D/N asks. "Not for a very long time but when we do I bet she'll have loads of stories to tell!" Y/W/N says as they step into the light. 

Ok ya'll this was the first chapter, please tell me what you think, any feedback you may have please let me know.

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