Chapter 1

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Halo's POV:
*Tap Tap Tap*

That's all you can hear in the dark night as my labored breathing rang out into the silence. I don't know how long I've been running but if I stop now, then They will catch me.

"There she is! Come here you wannabe IT!" Crap. I thought I had a good distance between them, I guess not.  As I ran through the dark forest trying my hardest to escape, I tripped over a tree root and fell. My ankle throbbed with pain as I tried to get back up.

As I tried to hurry and get up from the ground, a fist slammed into my head making me go dizzy and disoriented.

"There, now she'll stop running."

"You idiot! We were supposed to bring her back to the village unharmed! Now she's battered and bruised!"

I heard two voices, a male and female. I recognized those voices as my friends, but when I came out, the only thing they did was ridicule me and call me by my dead name. I was angry that it was those two chasing me here into the darkness that was the woods surrounding our village.

Our village seemed normal until you actually stepped foot into it. Our village elders heavily believed that boys shall be boys and girls shall be girls. Any who try to become either shall be "exiled" from the village and never seem again. That what was going to happen to me if I stayed in that hell hole.

"You two.. Why? What did I ever do to you? All I wanted was to be accepted for who I am.." I felt a foot kick into my head harshly, making my head bleed profusely.

"SHUT UP. THIS IS YOUR FAULT FOR NOT BEING A NORMAL GIRL AND LEARNING YOUR PLACE AS ONE!!" My childhood friend, Uzaki, yelled at me as her foot stomped on my head even harsher than before. We were best friends and she never once hit me like this.. But as I look at her with her eyes looking at me full of hatred and spite, I knew that nothing I say will get me out of this. I was done for.

"You were always the weird one. Always wanted to act like a boy or even as some Thing that didn't have a gender. We have to do this so that way no one shall know of your evil existence, a miserable despicable thing like you, Selena."

I tried to glare up at her, how dare she call me by that name? When she said that I yelled "DON'T call me by that name! That is not my name! My name is Halo!"

"Shut up!" This time, my other friend Toshiro, had lifted me up from the ground, holding me up by what's left of my hair. When I came out, I had grabbed a pair of scissors and chopped off my hair as it was forbidden in the village to do so, it was my way of saying that I didn't care for their rules and that I shall live my own way.  Toshiro was my friend, and my lover. We had promised each other of marriage when we just small children under the sacred tree in our village, but as I look into his eyes and see the same hatred that Uzaki has, I was almost glad that I didn't have much time left.

"Toshiro.. Never would I have thought you would betray me too.. But I should've guessed it. After all, you hated me too.." As I said that, I felt my throat being crushed. "You really thought that Selena? That I would actually love something that doesn't even have a gender? You are so wrong my dear!" He started crushing my throat with his other hand, my eyes seeing black dots dance across their vision.

I guess this is really it. I really was going to die.. As my conscience faded away into nothing, a final thought graced my mind: "I hope that in the next life, I'll be accepted for who I am and to finally live in peace..."

"This is what happens when you don't go with the rules of society Selena. Maybe this will teach you a lesson in the next life." Those were the last words I heard from Uzaki before I fell into more darkness..

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