Chapter 2

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*Halo's POV:*

As I opened my eyes, all I could see was white nothingness.

"Huh?.. Where am I?.."

I look around, but there was nothing to be seen.

"Hello child." A calm voice came from behind me.

I turned around one last time and there I saw him, an old man wearing long white robes with a long gray beard. He had a calm look on his face as he smiled at me gently.

"Who are you? Why am I here?" I ask the person. I was nervous, I was afraid that this person would hurt me too. He walked over to me as he took slow, steady steps.

"I am God little one. I am here to give you a new life. One filled with happiness and joy, one where you are accepted and loved." He looked at me as he holds out his hand.

"Would you like to live your life happily little one?"

I grabbed his hand. "Yes.. Please treat me well."

Then.. Everything went dark.

"Hey! Wake up! Are you alive kid!?"
I heard a male voice yelling into my ear. I jumped up and looked around my surroundings as I saw that I was in a bedroom. A quite lavish one with red and white walls with a flat screen tv in front of it.

I looked to where the voice came from and I saw a young boy no older than 16 with a black hood on his head as he looks at me shocked.


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"Um.. Who are you exactly? And why am I here?" He continues to look at me shocked. I think I broke him. "Well.. I'm sorry for intruding I'll be on my way now." As soon as gotten up from what seems to be a bed, I felt a sharp pain in my head.

"Careful!" The boy said, "I had found you outside with a bad head injury, and with bruises on your neck. I thought you were dead when you weren't breathing." I turn back to him quickly as I stare at him in the eyes.

"I need to see a mirror, please." I was afraid of what I looked like, what the wounds looked like. Did they really mess me up that badly? Did.. Did I really die?

The boy looks at me and gives me a small smile as he leaves the room. "Wait! Where am I? Who are you!?" I soon heard a lock click, he locked the door. "Hey! Let me out!" I went to the door and banged on it, I was quickly becoming afraid. I didn't want to die again. I couldn't.

Hours passed, my throat had became sore from yelling. I had tried to look around the room to see if there was anything I could use to get out the room, there was nothing except a tv remote and a few small trinkets. I went to the window next to the bed but it was locked. Even the glass was hard to crack let alone even break. It was useless, I couldn't get out.

Suddenly.. The door unlocked.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2021 ⏰

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