014; bored

370 9 2

 once daniel had left the couch, elizabeth became bored rather quickly. being unfamiliar with the space, she had no idea where to go, or what to do. she sat there for a moment, tapping her foot against the floor anxiously, attempting to come up with something to do. as if on queue, zach walked over to the girl, and sat down next to her.

"you bored?" he asked, looking at her. she nodded in response, "down the street, there's a starbucks. just start walking down the sidewalk, and then make a left at the end." 

elizabeth smiled at the boy, before standing up and grabbing her things, "thanks."

"no problem, i'll tell daniel where you went in case he gets worried." 

elizabeth nodded once again, before walking out the studio room. daniel heard the door close from behind him, so he became curoius as to who just left without a warning. he looked back at the couch where elizabeth was supposed to be sitting, but she was no where to be found. he grew worried for the girl, mostly because he knew that she wasn't familiar with this area.

zach walked up to him, and put a hand on his shoulder, "she went to the starbucks down the street. she was bored, and didn't know what to do so i suggested to her that she should go there for a while." 

daniel nodded, "you told her exactly where it was? what if something happens to her while she's walking there, or even worse, what if she can't find her way back and she gets hur-"

"she'll be fine," zach interrupted his friend and laughed at his sudden concern for the girl.

daniel sighed, contemplating whether or not he should go to starbucks as well, but he decided it was best for him to stay. all of the worry left his mind, and he went back to working.

after a 10 minute walk, elizabeth finally made it to the starbucks. she opened up the door to see multiple people sitting at tables, typing away at their computers. she walked up to the register, and began looking at the menu. she smiled at the cashier before ordering.

after she ordered, she sat at an empty table, waiting for her name to be called. she tapped her fingers impatiantly against the table before her phone buzzed. it was a text from daniel. he was asking if she got there safe, and if she was going to be able to make it back. she smiled at herself, before being brought out of her trance when she heard her name being called at the counter.

she got up and grabbed her drink, and walked out the door. she walked back in when she realized she left her phone on the table. she rolled her eyes before picking up her phone, and then continued her journey back to the studio. 

another 10 minutes went by before she arrived at the studio once again. she walked through the door, heading into the recording area of the building. all eyes were on her when she entered the room. daniel gave her a small smile, before he turned his attention back to what he was previously working on. 

elizabeth walked back over to the couch, and began scrolling through social media. that was until she was interupted by a brunette boy. she looked up at zach and smiled.

"yeah?" she asked politly. he sat down next to her, and laughed slightly.

"daniel was so worried about you, he kept asking if you were going to be safe on your walk there and back," zach laughed again, looking at daniel who was now very concentrated on the task he was attempting to complete. 

"r-really?" she stuttered for some reason, her stomach forming butterflies. it was a feeling she was not used to. 

"yeah. it was kind of cute though, he never really worries about anybody like that," zach said it as if it didn't mean anything, and maybe elizabeth was overthinking it, but when she looked at daniel, she couldn't help but smile. 

elizabeth ray was falling for daniel seavey.




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