Chapter 15

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After I finished I stand up and clean my dish feeling that it might be awhile before returns. And I thought right it was a good 15 minutes before he got back.
"Hey sorry I took so long. Had to visit my brother."
"What no Splendor."
A colorful slenderman pops from behind him. Unlike Slendy or smexy he has eyes and a smiling mouth. His suit was cover and smothered in poka dots.
"Howdy! You must be the next chosen one Offendy told me about!" He takes my hand and shakes it intensely.
My body shook with each up and down motion, "Hi? I'm Y/N."
"Y/N? Such a pretty name." He looks at the blackening of my legs. "Yup she's the chosen on."
Smexy slaps the back of Splendors head, "Her eyes are on her face not thighs."
"I was just seeing if you weren't lying Brother!" He rubs the back of his head and fixes his hat while sticking his tongue at Offender. "Anyway since your the chosen one here you are!" He holds up an old fat book. I hold my arms out as he drops the thousand pound book.
"W-wtf! Is in this!"
"The other passed chosen ones, they right down what happens side effects and other little things for the next chosen one! So get to reading and possibly writing as well."
The color from my face drain.
"Splendor!" Offender snaps at him.
"What? We haven't had anyone to survive so there's a 99.99% chance she ain't making it."
"I'll take those odds..." I threw out there.
The both look at me.
"Now of you'll excuse me imma go read." I crab walk away from the two tall men to the bedroom, leaving them both in silence.

I slam down the book on the mattress and get comfortable, it might be awhile I mean I've got time.




Not even a minute goes by and I'm all sorts of confused. The entire book was filled with a language I can't understand, it's not Spanish nor Russian nor any language I've seen. In fact, I don't think it is even in the world language books, so I did what everyone would do....pull out my phone and googled one of the words. I know Google Translate isn't reliable but hey it could help a little...I guess.

Every time I search a word, from the book, links would pop up leading me to demonic writings. I kept scrolling and scrolling searching. I sigh, "It's Demonic did they all learn this??" I start to chew the tip of my thumb, "If I can't crack this...I won't know anything about the Shadow demon." I bite harder. "I might not make of these pages could have the answer to survival."

I didn't realize how hard I was biting my thumb until a sharp pain cuts thru my thumb and my now black blood drips onto the pages.

"Shoot!" I hold my thumb up away from the old pages and use my other to wipe, it only smudges and sinks into the pages. "No! No! N-o?" The demonic writing under the smudge ooz starts to shift and change.

The words become more clear and English. "Huh...Interesting."

I take my bleeding thumb and cover as much pages as possible until it stops.

Millie Aries,

I am Millie Aries, the 6th chosen Shadow Queen. I've been Shadow Queen host for almost two weeks and it's been God awful...Lord Zalgo did take me in, he was so generous and first. He knew what is going on with me when I didn't, I thought I caught the Black Death thinking God wants me gone.

He knew the Shadow Goddess chose me to hold her unlimited power...Zalgo beats me everyday saying it is the only thing that can make me stronger. My body hurts....I don't know what to do...I'm scared. I want my mama and papa...My little brothers will most likely forget me. Oh Max...Luke....Your sister loves you so much.....

Oh poor girl...I thought. She never wanted the power and Zalgo stole her from her family. I felt my heart tear into two, I kept reading other people experience some even more heart breaking. Then I stop on this one page, a teen boy was chosen this time, it was around in the beginning of World War 1.

Leon Finn The First,

So After training and analyzing my powers I realize that I hold powers that only a god should have...And I'm only scratching the surface of this power. Maybe if I get the full extent of my power I can help Germany win the war. For my country...for my family's name!

I can tell he wasn't right in the head, power crazy.

Caroline Witstean,

I saw her again....The Shadow Goddess. She talks to me often talking and taking me thru the steps of my journey of becoming one with her, she tells me to keep my mind straight and positivity straighter.

She also told me I can hide from Zalgo by going into...THE VOID..."What is the void?" I asked her. She shook her head at me saying in a calming tone that it was a safe haven and the only way to go there is to concentrate my energy and think of white...nothing else just keep things blank and white. Maybe I'll be able to do that one day.

But Here's what I know when someone passes the trails, To whom ever is next to this death sentence listen Carefully...don't trust Zalgo with this knowledge.


Mind wipe/Telekinesis


Summoning of Shadow Puppets/Tentacles from shadows


Steal ones shadow

Invisibility at night


This is only for the eyes of the Shadow Chosen ones...No one else must know this unless She/he has survived the Inner Trials...I have doubt that someone will survive this torture...

She listed out the powers of the Shadow Queen I think. I flip the page to a blank one....Caroline was the most recent one yet...



Red or Blue my lady? (Offenderman x Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن