Chapter One: Here's Me

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Hey, I'm Alanna but you can call me Lanna. I am 17 years old and I was kinda sorta kidnapped. That was 4 years ago though and I've grown to like it here. I guess. My first few months here was rough, I was and still am hella stubborn. I don't take shit from people so when I was taken from my whole life I guess you could say I was a little mad. All jokes aside, I do miss my life. I miss my family as horrible as they treated me I still love them, I miss my friends, the only things that kept me going and I fucking miss my cats man. I had two, Socks and Blue. Socks was my bestfriend, she was always there for me. Blue was my sweet baby who had a devil side, I miss her crazy ass. Enough about my past, lets talk about the present. I'm kept in this huge ass L.A. mansion with a few of the gang members. Everyone loves me, I'm the youngest so I'm considered the "baby of the family" I really don't know what that means but I mean it's fine. My roommates are Ella, she's my main bitch, we tell each other all the tea and get along super well. Toby, he's the one who introduced me to everyone and actually made me feel safe, he's also super protective. June, she's really sweet, it's annoying when her and Toby fuck though, they have like a thing but they're not exactly dating. Last but not least, we have Carson, he's pretty lit, always throwing house parties, he gets drunk and always tries to get with me but I always let it slide knowing he's drunk. We also have a butler/housekeeper named Benson. He's dope as fuck and he listens to me rant. I'm allowed to go out in public, I'm pretty trustworthy and I haven't tried to escape except once like 3 years ago. I even have my own car! A matte black range rover that I got for my 16th birthday. Unfortunately, I'm still forced to go to school. I always have a camera on me watching my every move at school which sucks, I don't even pee there. "The Boss" is always mentioned but never spoken directly of. I know his name though, Finn, Fish, something like that. He's always yelling at Toby. I've never met him but his voice is hot. When the gang has meetings or meetups, the girls always say I'm lucky because I don't have to be apart of the BDSM rooms or in the sex trafficking parts which is really true. I really fucking hate how that's apart of the gang and I've even tried convincing Toby to take it away but he always says "I wish I could, but it's Boss's rules." Nasty as fuck.

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