A/n (just some ground rules)

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*in bad Mario impression* Hi it's a me, Lilly. ok, so I'm really bad at updating my fics so feel free to yell at me about that. I am open to CONSTRUCTIVE criticism, and I will not tolerate bullying in my comments especially towards other readers. ok? ok, good. glad we went over that. this is a safe space which is why I wanna set some ground rules 

1) as I said before I do appreciate CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. I'm always looking for ways to improve my writing 

2) again Do not for any reason attack another reader. Bullying will NOT be tolerated in my comment. Do I make myself clear?

3)I'm trying to get better about it but I still do make many many mistakes so if I need to put a TW on something let me know so I can fix it. (don't yell at me in the comment's either pls)

4) if you have ideas for new chapters don't hesitate to write them in the comments. not everything might show up in the fic but I promise I will read every comment and consider each

5+) to be continued  

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