sugar daddy

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Nathalie wakes up after a long nap, having dreams about Luka and the last time they saw each other at the gas station. It was so touching. She sits up, dizzy and tired, and looks to her side. She flinches rapidly at the sight next to her. Gabriel Agreste. Her sugar daddy and technically, her "boss". She shakes her feelings off and screams. So very loudly. She had married Gabriel years before, but they divorced after she met Luka at a grocery store and they hit it off immediately. Still, Gabriel lives with her and y'know...

Time skip:  4 years idgaf anyway

Luka and Nathalie are getting married. Oh joy! 🌚 They are BOTH of legal age and drank 34 beers each on the night of their wedding. It was magical. They got married at Chick Fil A since every employee there happens to be a priest too. They had good catering. Pretend we're not in France. Marinette's family catered lots of bread so people could make diy chicken sandwiches. "I love it here" Nathalie says. Luka yells in happiness and jumps up and down. He fetches his guitar. "You know, Nathalie". He strums his guitar like 6 times. "I do too" and he plays into the sunset.

John Cena, Hoseok, Puter, and Teeble are invited too.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2021 ⏰

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