Chapter 1

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My name is Hope Mikaelson. I'm a tribrid. That means i'm a werewolf, witch, and vampire. I haven't triggered my vampire side or my werewolf side yet. Neither has my twin sister, Faith. She's a minute older then me and has more control then I do. She knows how to control her magic but me on the other hand not so much. And today, we're meeting our father.

"FAITH!" I scream. "What hope i'm trying to sleep." She reply's. "Today's the day," I say smiling with fear. She pops up looking at me, smiling but I know she's nervous. She jumps out of bed and hugs me and I hug her back. "I'm scared." I say almost about to cry. "It's ok I am too." She says back. Most of the time we're fighting about who can run faster or who can hold their breath the longest but today was not a day for that. We've been waiting for this day our whole life and it's finally here. We go in our closets and grab our nicest clothes. I wear a pink dress with black boots and Faith wears a blue dress with flip flops. We both look at each other, grab each others hands, and start to walk down the stairs.

"Oh you girls are awake and dressed already? good" Our mother, Hayley, says. We both look at her smiling but I can tell she knows we're scared. "Girls I know you may be scared or nervous but it's fine, your father is a very nice man and he will be very accepting." Mom says smiling. We go in to hug her and then we sit at the table to eat our breakfast. Faith gets a bowl of cereal and I sit with her, I'm to nervous to eat. "Hope why aren't you eating anything." Faith asks. "I'm not hungry." I reply. "That is such a lie, when have you never been hungry in your entire life." She asks. I stare at her. Sometimes Faith gets very protective. Like too protective. "I don't know i'm just not hungry." I say annoyed and I get up and walk away.

I walk into the art room. Painting makes me calm down. This is something me and Faith don't have in common. She hates painting. I get a paintbrush and I dip into the black. That's the color I always use when i'm annoyed at Faith. I start painting everywhere on the canvas. Then in the corner of my eye I see faith walk in. "Hope i'm sorry, i'm just as nervous as you are. But we have to stick together through this." I look over at her and smile. I can't t be annoyed at her on this day. I get up and we hug. "Let's go outside." Faith suggests. I nod as we walk through the door to the garden. This is our special spot. We go here when we need to calm down or just need to relax. We sit at the table in there together and I just stare at the flowers. There's so many different ones that are so pretty in their own ways. "Their here." Mom comes in with a smile on her face. Me and Faith look at each other. We get up and Faith grabs my hand. And we follow our Mother to our unknown family.

Me and Faith follow slowly behind our mother who is leading us outside the compound. She opens the door and there is our family. The ones we haven't known basically our whole life. We look up at all of them. They look old but not as old as they are, but of course they are original vampires. As i'm looking at them I get super nervous. When I get nervous like this i start lighting random things on fire or making strong winds appear out of nowhere but Faith makes sure that doesn't happen. "Mom can we go up to the tree house." Faith asks. The tree house in another one of me and Faiths places. "Ok but Klaus why don't you go with them." Our mother replies smiling at a tall man with blondish hair. "Ok." He replies with an accent. I'm guessing that's our father and that's why our mom did that. We all walk together and then up to the tree house. "This is very lovely." The man says looking at me and Faith. "Yea me and Hope love it up here." Faith answers. I keep quiet. He looks around the house looking very fascinated at something. "Who drew all of these." He asks. Faith looks at me. She smiles. "Hope did." she says. I roll my eyes at her jokingly. "Yea I did." I say. He looks at me and smiles. "These are very good drawings." He says. "Thanks." I reply. Me and Faith stare at our father who is staring right back at us. "If you didn't already realize, i'm your father." He says. We look at him. I've heard so many terrible stories about the evil Klaus Mikaelson from kids in New Orleans but this man doesn't seem evil at all. Me and Faith look at each other and then go in for a hug with our father.

Hope and Faith (The twins who weren't supposed to be born)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon