Chapter 2

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~Hayley's POV~
I watch as the girls and Klaus run off to the tree house and I smile a bit. "Long time no see." I look up and see Elijah, smiling a very big smile. I go in to hug him and we hug for a long time. It's good to finally be with him considering it's been 7 years. "It's good to see you Elijah." I say smiling at him. I look at all the Mikaelsons. Freya, Rebekah, Elijah, Kol. I've missed them. i've been really stressed these 7 years. With finding the cures for all of them and taking care of Hope and Faith. Mary has helped a lot but I feel bad asking her a lot. But now that their all back everything will finally be easier for me.

~Klaus's POV~
The girls are talking about all the cool they've done since I was in the sleeping spell. They've grown up to be such elegant girls, and I didn't get to see my children grow up. "Oh," I say look down at a butterfly with a hurt wing. I crouch down to look at it and they crouch down with me. I look at them and watch them as they both take off a gold bracket. "Don't tell our mom," They say at the same time. They hold their hands in front of the butterfly and they close their eyes. They start whispering a spell and the butterfly flys off. They open their eyes smiling as they watch the butterfly fly away. "Wow, where'd you learn to do that?" I ask them. They look at me smiling. "We look at old grimours a lot, mom doesn't know but we always read all the cool spells our grandmother used to do." Hope explains to me. "We practice magic all the time but sometimes we don't know how to control it." Faith says finishing Hope's thoughts. I smile at them, "It's best you keep those bracelets on, your mother will get mad." They nod and put their bracelets on. We get up and we keep on walking through the woods. "It's quite beautiful isn't it, how the light shines through the trees." I say looking down at Hope and Faith. "Yea, Hope and I always walk in the woods when we need to calm down." Hope looks at her sister then nods, "It helps us calm down when we get mad at mom, she doesn't let us do our magic a lot unless Aunt Freya is there to teach us but she doesn't teach us the good spells she just teaches us the basic stuff we already know." Hope says with a little anger in her voice. "Well i'm no witch but it seems you two know how to do magic on your own, but you shouldn't take those bracelets off unless your Aunt Freya says to." I tell them sort of worried, of course they have my temper and I know they would get mad that I said that because i'm just saying the same thing Hayley has been saying their whole life. They frown and both walk away from me. I sit down on a log and smile, wow, I think to myself, these girls are so strong and smart.

~Faith's POV~
"Ugh," I say looking at hope as we practically run away from our dad. "He's just like everyone else, he doesn't know how powerful we are, all everyone does in this house is underestimate us." Hope looks at me like she's about to explode, "I know, I thought he was gonna be different but he's not." My sister says as she takes off the bracelet. I see the trees starting to light on fire. "Ok Hope calm down," I have more control then her. Her eyes close and she starts to mumble a spell. "Hope what are you doing," I ask her but she doesn't stop. "HOPE!" I scream and she snaps out. "oh my god i have no idea what just happened." Hope says as she puts her bracelet back on. "It's ok, your ok," I say and hug her. That's normal for us, Hope getting out of control and me helping her, every single day.

Kinda short chapter and comment if I should keep going with this story!!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2021 ⏰

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