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Oh, look who feels like crying again

Wonders why she's alive again

And look who I'm burdening with this

Says I'm not a burden,  but who am I kidding with this?

Gets upset

About words that were not said

I assume the worst

And I'm about to burst

And I


That this

Could end

I know that I'm

The problem

You don't need to lie

And say I'm something wonderful

I know that it's me

It's me it's me

It's always me

Who is at fault

I know that I'm

The problem

I have genuine, loving friends

But I can't understand why they want to keep me till the very end

Their constant reassurance still

Can't comfort me

I get upset

About my thoughts again

I assume the worst

And I'm about to burst

And I


That this

Could end

Don't think that you're

The problem

I won't lie

And say you're not wonderful

I know that it's not you

It's not you

It's never you

Causing my mess

I know that you're not

The problem

And I wish that this wasn't in my head

I hate the fact that I'm crying alone in my bed

And I feel like I can't talk to anyone about this

Because who wants

To hear me

Being some sort of stupid sad teen?

Who gets hurt

All the time

Because of their mind?

I can't stand

To see

Someone say that they pity me

Do they pity me?

I know that you're not

The problem

But are you lying

By saying that I'm something wonderful?

Or is it just me?

Is it me?

Because it's always me

Creating my mess

In my head

Don't say that you're

The problem

I'll never lie

And say you're not wonderful

I know that it's me

It's me it's me

It's always me

Who is at fault

I know that I'm

The problem

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