
336 14 4

Warning: Sadness, heart break, attempting to hurt someone(and succeeding), suicide attempt, OC use, LOTS OF CRINGE!!!




Shirabu's P.O.V

It was a nice afternoon. . .

Snow was falling neatly from the clear baby blue sky. . .

I was walking through the park. . .


Today wasn't really nice day. I wished something dramatic would happen.

Like dark clouds flooding the sky, rain falling from the them.

I lightly rubbed my red eyes. I've been walking for hours in only a thin longsleeve shirt and Jean's to go with it.

I sneezed as I rubbed my nose aswell.

My whole face was red. I had dark bags under my half-lidded, puffy eyes. My hair was dripping wet due to me just getting out of a cold bath.

I was getting sick.

I knew I was too.

I got a few looks from adults. Some asked me if I was alright saying stuff like 'Are you ok Hunny? Do you need a ride to the hospital' or 'Would you like me to get your a scarf/sweater? You look cold'

I declined each offer.

Nothing would worm me up.

But I remember when something- someone wormed me up.


It was silent... and I was pretty okay with that. It was comfortable.

Semi had a small smile on his face. Almost made we want to smile aswell, but when your whole face is almost frozen... it's kinda hard.

We continued to walk untill we reached a bench where we both sat down.

"...it's quite cold. Y'think?" I said in a half whisper not wanting to completely ruin the silence.

"Are you cold?" He asked looking at me raising a brow.

I shrugged but slightly nodded.

He let's out a laugh before pulling his sweater. He raised my arms up and put the sweater on me.

My face flushed lightly. 'It was worm... and comforting..'

"You okay? Face is looking a bit red there" he said with a smirk as my face got even redder then before.

"Of course my face is red dumbass! Its freezing!"

I wasn't lieing... it was cold. So it was a close to good excuse.

'Cold' Semishira Where stories live. Discover now