Chapter One

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It has been a year since Dean's father has passed. A year since he became a wayward orphan. The only family Dean Jr. has left is his beautiful wife; Just how his father still had his brother when they had lost everything.

Together they have been slowly working their way through Dean's childhood home. Packing away the important things for safekeeping and donating the less so. While going through a few boxes in the basement, Dean came across some old pictures. One of which was of his father and his brother-whom which Dean was named after of course- smiling wildly, beers in hand. The three beers were clinked together in the center of the frame and at the end of the third bottle was a man. His dark hair was swept neatly on his head and his blue eyes were transfixed on Uncle Dean. Dean Jr. chuckled to himself remembering the first time he heard of his Uncle Castiel.

It was a stormy day that brought a blackout across the entire block.


B- "Wait, Woah. Is this a flashback?"

G- "Is there something wrong?"

B- "No. Nope. N-Nothing's wrong. Was just, making sure. Great opener by the way!"

G- "Just keep reading."


It was a stormy day that brought a blackout across the entire block. Dean was five, possibly six. Laying on his back on the floor of the living room. Tracing his fingers through the threads of the carpet. His mother was lighting the candles she placed along the window sill. His father was pulling out some board games for the three of them to pass the time.

"Hey Dean, Choose a game to play." He says setting the pile next to his son. The child groans, flipping onto his stomach.

"I don't wanna play a game." He muffles into the carpet.

"Well, the power might be off for a while. What would you like to do while we wait?" Dean moves to sit on his knees. Pondering what sort of activity he wants his family to do. His eyes grace the various pictures on the mantle. He was far too short to get a good look at them- not that he spent much time looking at old pictures anyways- but he could out make the basic outlines of people. His parents on their wedding day. An old photo of his mother as a baby with her parents. His father with his brother and their Uncle Bobby. He landed on a picture of his uncle and a man he didn't recognize. His uncle had an arm draped over the man in the brown coat with a wide smile plastered on his face. He looked like he was in the middle of laughing hysterically when the photo was taken. The unrecognizable man looked at Dean the same way his mother looked at his father or the other way around. Could they have been together like his parents are?

"Dad." Dean Jr. finally says, pointing up at the picture. "Who's that? Next to Uncle Dean?" Sam looks up to the picture in question, taking it from the mantle so that his son can get a better look.

"That. Is your Uncle Castiel." He smiles fondly at the moment in his hands.


B- "Okay, there's no way little Dean doesn't know who Castiel is but knows big Dean and Bobby!"

G- "Why not? Sam tells his son stories of his older brother all the time."

B- "It doesn't make any sense! Castiel was Sam's friend. There's no way he didn't mention him before now. It's completely out of character."

G- "Fine. Consider this as a refresher story. Sam talked about Castiel before but Dean Jr. just- forgot. He is a kid after all."

B- "Eh. That's better."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2021 ⏰

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