What I have so far

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Jay slept with one arm wrapped around Haileys bumps and the other wrapped up around onto her top shoulder. She slept on his arm every night for nine months. She loved this man so much she married him and is now having his baby.
"Jay roll over I wanna sleep on your chest," Hailey said.
"Come here baby," Jay said.
"It's officially my due date this kid needs to come right now," Hailey said.
"Well this kid seems to be very awake," Jay said while feeling the baby kick.
"Ugh" Hailey groaned.
"Was that a contraction?" Jay asked.
"Braxton Hicks again," Hailey said.
"We have to go into work today," Jay said.
"Voight will understand," Hailey said.
"I was just looking at the calendar and you have your appointment today," Jay said.
"Well isn't that wonderful," Hailey said sarcastically.
"Just think this will probably be your last one," Jay said.
"Why did I let you get me pregnant" Hailey joked.
"Remember it takes two," Jay said.
"The Braxton Hicks are coming more often we have to get up," Hailey said.
"Leggings and a shirt," Jay said as he handed them to Hailey.
"Don't forget the flannel" Hailey said.
Once they were finished getting dressed. Jay helped Hailey into the truck.
"When I go into labor you're gonna have to get us a different vehicle," Hailey said.
"Fingers crossed it's today," Jay said.
"I want this kid out but I don't want to have the pain that goes with it," Hailey said.
"That's what I'm here for," Jay said.
"I know it still seems like it could get overwhelming," Hailey said.
"Let's just get you through this appointment," Jay said.
When they arrived at the appointment the ultrasound tech called them back.
"Hailey Upton-Halstead," the ultrasound tech said.
"I need a back massage when we get home," Hailey said.
"Anything for you babe," Jay said.
"So we're just going to have you lay on this," the ultrasound tech said.
"And push my pant and shirt off my stomach," Hailey said.
"So just a reminder the baby is sunny side up," the ultrasound tech said.
"But the baby still has a chance to change position right?" Jay asked.
"It's slim to none but it could still happen," the ultrasound tech said.
"Fingers crossed," Jay said.
"The doctor will be in shortly," the ultrasound tech said.
"You were just asking her questions like it's your body that has to go through childbirth and I already knew all of the answers because I asked last week at the appointment you couldn't make it too and didn't have the time to tell me apparently," Hailey said.
"I was in the middle of a standoff babe if I had tried to leave the guy would have shot me and I'm sorry I asked questions because I'm worried about my wife the woman who is the love of my life if I could trade places with you I would because the thing that scares me the most is seeing you in pain," Jay said.
"Maybe you should have thought about that before you got me pregnant" Hailey shouted.
"I love you so much I thought we could have a third person to share that love with because the amount I love you can't be shown through just loving you the way I love you the only way to give you all my love was to give you a baby that you had talked about wanting," Jay raised his voice.
"I hate you" Hailey screamed.
"Let's wipe the rest of this gel off your bump and put your pants back up and pull your shirt back down," Jay said.
"H-" Chloe started.
"I'm sorry Hailey this is on me I should never have raised my voice," Jay said while holding his hand up to signal to give them five minutes.
"I-I am just so scared" Hailey said while sobbing.
"Look at me" Jay said as he cupped her head in his hands.
Hailey just nodded.
"Remember the three things I always tell you?" Jay asked.
"No," Hailey said.
"I'm never gonna leave your side, I love you more than it is humanly possible, and" Jay said.
"You love our baby more than you love me" Hailey finished.
"Now give me a hug" Jay said as he pulled her in for a hug.
"Hailey how are you doing today?" Chloe asked.
"I'm good but my hormones are going all over the place" Hailey said.
"That sucks but it looks like your husband is a big help when it comes to grounding you" Chloe said.
"You saw my little freak out," Hailey said.
"The doors aren't thick enough to block out sound but when I walked in he immediately signaled to give you more time so I didn't see it" Chloe said.
"He is pretty great," Hailey said.
"Just to check in are you still doing your squats and practice your breathing exercises?" Chloe asked.
"Yes," Hailey said.
"Still planning on having the baby at the birthing center?" Chloe asked.
"Are you sure?" Hailey asked.
"I'm not the one who's giving birth," Jay said.
"But you're the one who's gonna be my anchor" Hailey said.
"Yes we will still be going to the birthing center" Jay said.
"Jay you're going to want to be the one to check her in, answer all the questions, and let them know every preference she has" Chloe said.
"Like all the stuff Hailey put in the birth plan?" Jay asked.
"If she wants to get in the tub, the shower, however she wants to be positioned when she pushes or even when she pushes you have to be her voice when she can't speak" Chloe said.

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