Boulder Class: Crimson Goregutter

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The Crimson Goregutter is known for their moose-like antlers. Its firepower is lava, similar to Gronckles. They also spew their lava on their antlers before charging at their enemies. They also have an axe-like tail, which can be used to cut many objects.

Behavior and Personality:
The Crimson Goregutter is a gentle giant. It is known to protect baby dragons, such as the Gronckle, Fishmeat. The Crimson Gorgutter only gets aggressive when provoked.

The Crimson Goregutter is a Boulder Class dragon that first appeared in the film, How To Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World.

"Although Goregutters have impressive sets of antlers and axe-shaped tails, they are gentler than they appear and like to be left in peace. In battle, however, they have the ability to spew molten lava onto their antlers before ramming opponents with fiery force."

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