That's just a shameful idea!

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Chapter three- "That's just a shameful idea!"

She stood there, not knowing who Dimitri Belikov was. She looked calm and serene, acting like the royal that she undoubtedly is. 

The woman who broke my heart, Rose Hathaway, came up behind my group of friends. She spoke directly to Mikhail "Dimitri is going to attack at any moment, so I'm going to go get into position. As soon as he attacks, I'll be on her too".

At this, Lissa looked as confused and distraught at the news, as I deep down felt. But Christian responded to Rose, before Lissa and I even got a chance, "In position? Fuck!" he exclaimed "You're ambushing the poor kid!"

Rose smirked, "And, your point is?"

"It's just not right!" Lissa and I exclaimed at the same time.

"Look, it's not my idea, I've got to go." She waved as she disappeared through the crowd.

"That's just a shameful idea!" I hissed to Lissa

Then the brainwave hit me, I couldn't let this happen to her. Not Jodie, the beautiful lady that shouldn't even be a guardian. So what, that I've known her all of 20 minutes? It's just plain wrong to do this to any being never mind one of our protectors.

Before I could even devise my plan efficiently and effectively, Dimitri made his way to Jodie. He struck her from behind, winding her, and causing her to gasp for air in pain. I could see her analysing the situation, she knew deep down that she was no match for him. But in true guardian style, she was going to go down all guns blazing.

As she finally got her breath back, she lunged for Dimitri, sending him to the floor. As she tried to straddle him, she lost her balance, and ended up with Dimitri on top of her.

The next thing I knew someone had an arm around my throat, and a hand gripping my hair, pulling my head back. "Get the fuck off me!" I yelled.

"Oh! For heaven's sake Adrian, man up!" Rose whispered into my ear.

So this was their plan, not to ambush her, but to ambush a defenceless Moroi. Their plan obviously worked, Jodie Looked at me with a pained and panicked expression. She was fighting to get Dimitri staked and off the top of her, and now, to rescue me.

The moment she looked over to Rose and I, Dimitri grabbed both sides of her head, as if her was going to passionately kiss her, but we all knew he wasn't. He lifted her head slightly, and knocked it back down into the ground. Rendering her unconscious.

But not before she managed to "stake" him.

The Moroi stood there in a state of shock, whilst the dhampires erupted into an almighty cheer. Dimitri got himself off the top of her, and went to grab a towel and a bottle of water, leaving her on the mats whilst two of her class mates tended to her.

"You can get off me now", I growled to Rose.

"It was only.." Rose started to speak

"I don't care what it was! If you ever touch me again, I swear to god that you will regret it!" I threatened.

I had never made a threat in my life before, never to a dhampire, guardian, and especially not to a woman. In that moment I ticked all three boxes in one go. What type of man was I turning into?

At that moment, my brain answered the question for me, 'your turning into a man that's falling in love with a woman, Adrian.'


Sorry for the slow update guys! I've been swamped with college work anda job- so forgive me please! Happy reading and I hope you enjoyed this chapter, please vote and comment. xx Willow

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2011 ⏰

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