chapter 2: the reaping

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As I walk toward the square with Katie, I start to get mixed emotions. What if Katie's name is called out? How can I cope with her being thrown into an arena for maybe a week or two? I'm going to do all I can to protect her after all she is my number one best friend. We are all being surrounded by peacekeepers although I don't see the point of them guarding us because no one has ever tried to escape from the reaping. I enclose Katie's hand in mine tightly as I refuse to let go. As we reach the queue to get a bit of our blood taken, Katie gets panicky. "Hey hey its gonna be alright their not gonna do much just taking a bit of blood that's all they need" I say, desperate to reassure her but I guess it is reaping day so no one can exactly be reassured unless you were prepared to volunteer for the games. As katie reaches the top part of the queue, i realize I'm gonna have to do a rapid search for her in the crowd. Finally I reach the point where I have to give a bit of my blood. It stings a bit but it doesn't really hurt that much. As I walk around searching for Katie, I'm starting to feel really hot. Suddenly I'm pulled into a line and everyone in the district is standing in rows waiting for the reaping to begin. As a madly dressed woman called Effie trinket comes out on the stage of the justice building, she starts to give a welcoming speech. "Welcome welcome! Happy hunger games and may the odds be ever in your favor! Now before we begin we have a special film brought to you all the way from the capitol." The film about the capitol I have seen loads of times and its bloody Boring as well. It talks about how the capitol defeated the rebellion during the dark days and how it brought us the hunger games. I don't seem why they bother repeating the film to be quite honest with seems pretty stupid if you ask me because a lot of us in the districts were alive during the dark days so we would all know about how it was effecting us. Oh good the films just finished anyway so that's a relief. I spot josh in the boys section and we exchange each other a desperate look. He mouths something to me but I don't quite catch what he's trying to say to me. Instead I just pay attention to what Effie trinket is about to announce. "Wasn't that an interesting film? Anyway now is the time to select one courageous man and women to compete against all odds in the seventy fourth annual hunger games as always ladies first!" Says Effie as she walks over to the bowl with all the names of the girls. As she pokes her hand into the ball of names and picks out a card, I can feel my heart beating faster than ever. "The female tribute is.... Katie lauton" announces Effie. Suddenly I freeze into space and imagine for a split second whether this is real or not. As Katie slowly turns around a walks slowly towards the stage, I notice that her shirt is untucked that's wheni get emotional. "Katie!! Katie!!!" I shout as I Run after her. I am blocked by a bunch of peacekeepers. "Stop!! I volunteer!!!! I volunteer!! I volunteer as tribute!" I scream as they let me go and I run towards Katie. "Katie, you have to go you have to get out of here go find josh ok?" I say to her but she starts screaming as josh carries her back to where she was and stays with her. "It seems we have a volunteer come on up then dear" says Effie as I walk up effortlessly onto the stage. "You are district 12s second volunteer!" Says Effie as I walk onto the dry rusty stage. "Now whats your name dear?" She asks. "Madison bee" I say , glancing over at Katie who was crying in josh's arms. "Is she your sister or best friend?" Effie asked again. "She's my best friend she's the closest person I ever loved as well as my family" I say. "Well let's all give a round of applause for our second volunteer Madison Bee" announces Effie. Not one person applauds me but everyone takes their three fingers and raise them in the air. Its a sign that means I love you and we will miss you. I can almost feel tears streaming down my face as Effie trinket goes over to the boys bowl. "Now for the boys!" She says as she puts her hand in the bowl and draws a name out. "Tommy Arnold! Where are you? Come on out!" Says Effie encouragingly. I glance over to Tommy who looks as if he's about to cry. As he approaches the stage he pauses for a second and stares at the floor and then comes up onto the stage. "Here are the tributes from district 12! happy hunger games and may the odds be ever in your favor!" Finishs Effie as she drags us into the justice building. As I'm escorted into a justice room, someone opens the door and Katie comes rushing towards me. She hugs me so tightly I feel like I can hardly breathe. "Listen your gonna be okay don't cry for me there's no point" I say, tearing up. "Of course there is a point crying for you you're my best friend and I dont want you to die!" Says Katie as she holds onto me even tighter. "I am smart you know I can hunt I can use a bow" I say to her. "Just try to win for me if you can" says Katie, weeping her eyes out. "Who knows? Maybe I can but I will really really try to win for you OK?" I say to her, reassuring her. Then a peacekeeper comes in and tells me that our time is up. Katie clings onto me, refusing to let go. "Katie its okay its okay!" I say to her as she gets pulled off by a peacekeeper. Her screaming echoes through my ears and the door is slammed behind her. Tears are rapidly starting to stream down my face and my nose starts running. I can't bear this anymore! just I wait until I get onto the train.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2015 ⏰

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