Generation Of A Miracle /Kuroko No Basket

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Ever since I knew myself, I have despised the word talented. Everyone would tell me I'm talented. Surely if I had the mindset of a normal person I would be flattered...but I saw the stares I got. I saw that my talent meant nothing to them but money and fame. So I ask you this...What does it mean to be talented? Does it mean that your better than others? Maybe you were born with an unfair advantage? Is it when you have achieved a standard higher than average? I don't care, nor will I ever care, to find out.

Not anymore. 

"Keep that face any longer and people are going to think you belong in a mental hospital" 

I blinked, turning to face the source of the sound. Towering over me was a broad-shouldered boy. Glancing at his tanned skin and navy blue hair I turned my attention back to his face, almost cringing when I saw the goofy grin plastered there. I nodded at him.

"Aomine Daiki." He said, expecting me to reply. I sighed inwardly, my heart still racing from talking to a complete stranger. 

"Suki," I replied gingerly, turning around. Ignoring any reply he had, I started to walk. 

"So...Suki-chan" he hustled quickly, jogging up to me,"your a first year?" I groaned, not loud enough for him to hear and massaged my temple gently.


"Oh hey, me too!" He grinned once again at me and I couldn't help but send a timid smile back. He didn't seem to mind my lack of interest in him, although I was getting more and more curious. How could he be so cheerful for the first day of school?

"Aomine-kun, is there any special reason your so happy on the first day of school? One would normally be a bit glum," I asked, gesturing to myself. If possible, his smile got wider. 

"I'm gonna join the basketball team!" he declared, looking as pumped as ever. My eye twitched. Just when I thought I got away from something...

"" I murmured, my voice breaking a little at the end, "Nice." 

He frowned, "Not a fan?" he probed. I shook my head. It was time to face the music.

"Not anymore, anyway." A long silence ensued, showing me he wasn't willing to probe anymore. Maybe it was the crack in my voice or the torn expression on my face but Aomine looked a little lost for words. In all honestly, even though I just met him, it surprised me. 

"Well, I'll see you later," I finally blurted out, quickening my pace. I felt, I felt horrible. My first chance at a friend and I blew it. Pushing the hair out of my face I continued on until I reached the mass stretch of the school auditorium. Freshman flooded inside like it was feeding time at the zoo, crowding the entrance way, more importantly, my way. I took a deep breath and slithered in between the nooks and crannies of the mass, in record time reaching inside. Looking behind, I couldn't help but let the smirk of victory crawl on to my face. Suckers. 

"Alright everyone, please take a seat!" the principal shouted into the microphone. Almost immediately, everyone looked up and then started to push even harder. I scrambled to my seat in the front row, not wanting to get trampled by those wild beasts. I felt someone sit next to me. 

"So, we meet again," Aomine said quietly, sending me a curious glance. I slid my eyes in his direction, not turning my face. 

"It's nice to see you again too, Aomine-kun." 

Aomine kept his eyes on the girl to the right of him. Her hair was long and pink, flaring down to a red when coming to the tips. It was obviously dyed, but it suited her in a way. It was also held in low twin-tails with a clip. It gave her this innocent...and dare he say look about her. It reminded him of his childhood friend Satsuki, who on a later note, decided not to come to the same school as him. 

The basketball player's eyes widened when Suki stuck her nose in a book, not bothering to pay attention to the opening ceremony. 

"Your not going to pay attention?" he whispered, not wanting to disturb anybody else. Suki shook her head.

"There is no need." she replied, eyes still glued to the book.

The blue-haired boy sighed. His mind wondered to his first conversation with Suki and her odd reaction to him mentioning basketball. All the while he failed to notice Suki had removed her gaze from her book and was now staring intently at him.

Unknown to them, they both had similar thoughts.

What a strange person.

Generation Of A Miracle /Kuroko No BasketWhere stories live. Discover now