𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 4; 𝙉𝙚𝙠𝙤𝙢𝙖? 𝙉𝙤,𝙉𝙖𝙠𝙖𝙢𝙪𝙧𝙖

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It now has been a few days since Yua fully joined the team. After school she would head to the lockers with Kiyoko to change. In this time they were able to get another manager, a first year named Hitoka Yachi. Emma was so happy to hear the fact her daughter has rejoined volleyball, even if it's the boys' team.

After the bell rang symbolizing the end of the school day, Yua spent no time packing her school bag and making her way to the girl's lockers. She changed into a white shirt and a pair of black shorts. Yua waited for Kiyoko to finish before heading to the gym. The boys were already there practicing simple drills. Yua began stretching as coach Ukai and Takeda walked in. They were talking with each other before Daichi stood up. "Alright everyone! Attention please." Quickly everyone grouped up taking a seat on the gym floor. Yua sat in discomfort as the floor was quite cold on her bare skin.

"Alright now that everyone is here we all know about the spring tournaments right? Well we need to practice and playing each other is helping but it isn't as effective. So Mr. Takeda was talking with nearing school's.." Coach Ukai stopped talking symbolizing for Takeda to speak. He quickly pushed up his glasses and he ran through some papers. "Ah yes! So as coach was saying we got in touch with a school who agreed to hold a match with us, but here's the thing..It will be a match taking place after school meaning students and parents will be able to watch, if that's not a problem then the match will take place Friday, tomorrow." Everyone seemed quite fine with this. Yua raised her hand as a question came up. "As the only girl on the team..Will that make a difference?" Both shook their head no. "No that will make no difference, but it might just be a surprise to Nekoma."

Yua seemed to tense up. They were going to play against Nekoma? She quietly shook her head before looking back up. "You guys are free to go home or stay and practice, both managers will be staying to help get everyone's jerseys ready. Dismissed!" Everyone stood up and quickly rushed back to the court. Yua walked over to Kiyoko and Yachi. "Anything I could help with?" Kiyoko looked back smiling. "Sure you can help us gather the uniforms from the laundry mat and fold them for each member." "Right!" Both Yachi and Yua cheered before running out of the gym and leaving the school gates. Yua was able to run the whole way. Once there she plopped onto the floor awaiting for the girls. Only moments passed before they showed up. "Wow! Naka-chan you have quite some stamina!" Kiyoko nodded as all three of them entered the laundry mat. They walked over to the back where Jerseys in their school colors hanged. "Here let's get to work ya?" Yua asked as she started to take them down folding them. Each uniform varied from the size for each player. As they finished up Yua perked her head up. "For my uniform will the shorts be black or match the jersey?" She looked over to Kiyoko as she looked down at her pile.

"Well as there is a smaller size here seeming to be yours I'd say then you are going to have a matching pair but only smaller and tighter than the boys. Now come on we need to return." All of the girls took a handful on the folded uniforms then left making their way back to the gym. "I'm so excited for the game today! Aren't you guys?" Yachi oddly was the one to speak up and break the silence that remained. "Well..Yeah I'm excited but also nervous..Even if it's the boys team that feeling of fear is still there.." Yachi tilted her heard confused. She knows nothing of Yua's past so she was in the dark. Kiyoko patted her head.

"Naka-chan has had some bad encounters with that school but she'll be fine, she has a great team supporting her." Yachi shot both of them a huge grin as the gym came into view. "Well we are back!" The boys were quick to run up and grab their uniforms partly ignoring Suga in the background shouting for them to do it in a civilized fashion.

Yua was last to get her uniform. Looking at the number made her heart drop. The colors along with style was different so that was a pulse. As everyone was looking at their uniforms, Coach Ukai called out. "Alright now everyone! The bus will be leaving here at 12:30, so during lunch. Do not be a minute late or you will be left behind. Now go on ahead home and prepare yourselves."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2021 ⏰

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