part 2

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Meanwhile, hubwards of the great twin city, lay the Valley of the Listening monks. Thought to be the oldest religious order on the disk; (though not very religious) they make it their life's work to find what word- or as it became apparent, noise- began the universe. Surely something created by the creator could not just disappear? And so they listened for said sound. In silence. Not a sound. Here was the temple that forbade 'loud shoes' and audible voices. And here was the temple that large wooden shoes ran across, steel nails in the sole ringing through the halls, and a god almighty shout of none other but 'AAAAARRRRGG!'.

'What in Blind Io's name is wrong with you Stanlig?!' Whispered the disturbed monk Aronaag, 'You know the shoe rule better than anyone, only last week were you dangled by your toes for offending Blind Io himself with that infernal clicking!'

'It's Monk Davies, um... he's in the garden...' Stuttered a petrified looking Stanlig.

'Don't be ridiculous man! Davies died last week!'

'Try telling him that....'

'Now then gents where's my cuppa, been working the grounds all day don't you know.' It really is quite an amusing thing to heard said from a head sticking through a wall.

'Oh.' Said Aranaag, 'I suppose you better come with me then...'.

'And don't forget, two sugars and a ton of milk, you know I take mine like cat's piss!'

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2022 ⏰

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