i love you 🔵

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Kurapika's body lay limp and helpless on the cool ground. As if the world were in slow motion, he blinked his eyes and tried desperately to keep them open. He could see Leorio running towards him. A faint ringing in his ears prompted Kurapika to lift his head slightly.

"Kurapika!" Leorio's voice was strained and painful to hear. Kurapika raised his hand weakly, urging Leorio to stop. Leorio rushed to his side, kneeling on the ground. He picked up the top half of his friend and held him in his arms. He dropped to his knees and through warm, streaming tears he spoke. "Jesus Christ Kurapika. What the hell happened to you?"

Kurapika's shirt was stained with blood and dirt. His face was badly scraped up and his limbs lay still at his sides. "Go away Leorio." Kurapika's voice was tired and shaky. "No I'm not leaving your side. I'm not leaving you." Leorio reached for his friend's cold hands. Kurapika coughed. His scarlet red eyes glowed against the darkness of the night. Dust swirled past the two, slowly consuming their figures in the black atmosphere.

Leorio held his friend's face firmly against his chest. The beating of his heart echoed through his dirty, white shirt. "Get out of here! It's not safe for you. I'm okay. I'll be okay." Kurapika's words were faint, but held the same power and conviction as always. However, even he didn't believe them. Leorio's tears dropped slowly from his chin and down Kurapika's back. Kurapika lifted his head and gazed at Leorio's sorrowful face.

"Tell Gon and Killua that I love them. Tell them that I'm sorry." Kurapika coughed once again. "You'll tell them yourself! You're not dying on me Kurapika. You're not..." Leorio's voice faded into the night. It was angry, yet full of pain. His sobs grew heavier and his breathing quickened. Kurapika's face glimmered under the moon. Gentle, dark shadows cast on his expression made him appear angelic and fragile.

"And Leorio...
I love you."

Kurapika's eyelids were damp and heavy. They shut slowly, silencing the majestic red glow.

"What if things had been different?"

If Things Had Been Different: A Leopika StoryWhere stories live. Discover now