Ordinary People

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"Mason? What-?" Elena didn't know what to think of this situation. She hadn't seen this guy since she was six years old and she only met him once at a founders party that her mom made her go to. "We're you following me?"

Mason dropped his hand it was clear that Elena wasn't going to take it. "No, I wasn't following you"

Elena looked him up and down. "Than what are you doing here? How do you know about Klaus and the hybrids he's trying to make?" She asked.

"Look this is gonna come as a shock but I'm dead right now. I mean I'm really not here, I'm dead"

Elena furrowed her brows. "You don't look dead to me"

"Yeah Bonnie is bending a few rules just so I could be here"

"Okay your gonna need to explain this a little better because I have no idea what you are talking about you are making no sense right now. You say your dead but your clearly right in front of me and than your telling me Bonnie is doing this for you but yet you don't know her any better than I know you"

Mason sighed. "I knew Katherine"

Elena froze. "You were the one helping her find the moon stone" the dots started to connect in her head. "You were the wolf she knew" Elena mumbled.

"And I regret it, she was using me but I really thought she loved me"

Elena pursed her lips together to stop herself from saying anything rude. She wanted to tell him that he should have seen it sooner but Mason was willing to help Elena and she wasn't gonna pass that up. "So what happened, if you really say your dead than your gonna need to tell me how I can see you"

"Damon killed me, he tortured me until he got the information he wanted and than he killed me. I spent a good half of my afterlife watching over Tyler and I was there watching everything go down between the two of you and I started following you-"

"So you were following me" Elena pointed out.

"Yes, I was but it's not how you think"

Elena wrapped her arms around herself waiting for him to continue. "Since I'm always watching over Tyler I knew what your friend Bonnie was planning, she was gonna drop the barrier that separated the living and the dead for a small while which means I only have a limited amount of time to show you this" Mason walked passed Elena motioning her to follow him. "Come I'll explain all of this on the way there"

Elena fumbled trying to catch up with him but ended up walking beside him. "Show me what? Where are you taking me?"

"You want Klaus dead, right? I heard you say that you would kill the son of a bitch yourself if you got the chance"

Elena nodded. "Yeah, I would"

Mason gave a half smile. "Well this is your chance"

Elena stopped walking making Mason turn around. "How can I trust you? You said that Damon killed you how do I know that this isn't some revenge plan?"

Mason looked up at the night sky, another warm breeze passed by the two. He looked down at her and smiled. "When you die it really makes you think back to your life and the decisions you made throughout it. Some of us learn that none of that stuff mattered and all of our so called "unfinished business"" Mason used finger quotes when he said 'unfinished business' than dropped his hands. "It's not real. It's actually all really simple, you either spend the rest of your entirety regretting what you did and didn't do or you can find peace with yourself and let go of it all"

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